The concept of personal choice in
relation to health behaviors is an important one. An estimated 90 percent of all
illness may be{{U}} (62) {{/U}}if individuals would make sound personal
health choices{{U}} (63) {{/U}}upon current medical knowledge. We all
enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it{{U}} (64)
{{/U}}when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. The
structure of American society allows us to make almost all our personal
decisions that may{{U}} (65) {{/U}}our health. If we{{U}} (66)
{{/U}}desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts,
eat{{U}} (67) {{/U}}foods we want, and live a{{U}} (68)
{{/U}}sedentary(久坐的)lifestyle without any exercise. The freedom to make such
personal decisions is the fundamental{{U}} (69) {{/U}}of our society,{{U}}
(70) {{/U}}the wisdom of these A. constructed B. based C. found D. depended [多选题]>机车高、低压电器试验,应先进行(),试验合格后,再进行()。
A.低压试验 B.简略试验 C.全部试验 D.高压试验 [单选题]一辆轿车停在高速公路应急车道上,对交通安全造成了很大影响。正在高速公路上迎逻的交警见状下车向驾驶员询问情况。得知该轿车是因为没油而抛锚后,交警立即在车后方 150米处设好警示牌,同时打开车辆双闪指示灯,提醒过往车辆注意安全,随后帮助驾驶员加油,让其得以驶离高速公路。交警的做法最能说明的是:
A.人民警察遇到群众的实际困难应予以必要协助 B.人民警察是群众利益的忠实维护者 C.群众在遇到困难时应及时向人民警察求助 D.群众的困难都可以由人民警察来解决 [判断题] 当扑救流淌液体火灾时,应使二氧化碳射流由近而远向火焰喷射,如果燃烧面积较大,操作者可左右摆动喷筒,直至把火扑灭。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列关于坡度大于1:2.2的屋面临边防护栏杆的设置,哪些是正确的?()
A. 自上而下使用密目式安全网封闭 B. 上杆离地高度为1.5m C. 下杆离地高度为0.4~0.6m D. 上杆离地高度为1.0~1.2m E. 横杆长度大于2m时,必须加设栏杆柱 [判断题]根据《铁路交通事故调查处理规则》,关闭折角塞门发出列车,至少构成一般D类事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一号性格中的()对工作有积极作用。
A. 灵活性强 B. 通晓人情世故 C. 踏实肯干 D. 沟通能力强 [判断题]列车冒进信号机后,司机应立即停车报告列车调度员(车站值班员),并不得擅自动车,车站值班员报告列车调度员。列车调度员(车站值班员)接到司机冒进进站(接车进路)信号机报告后,立即通知已进入区间的后续列车停车,不再向该区间放行列车。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交