The trouble with television is that it
discourages concentration. Television’s variety becomes a narcotic, not a
stimulus. Its serial, kaleidoscopic exposures force us to follow its lead.The
viewer is on a perpetual guided tour: 30 minutes at the museum, 30 at the
cathedral, 30 for a drink, then back on the bus to the next attraction—except on
the television, typically, the spans allotted are on the order of minutes or
seconds, and the chosen delights are more often car crashes and people killing
one another. In short, a lot of television usurps one of the most precious
gifts, the ability to focus your attention yourself, rather than just passively
surrender it. Capturing your attention—and holding it—is the prime motive of most television programming and enhances its role as a profitable advertising vehicle. Programmers live A. warns of TV’s adverse effect on America’s culture B. calls for people to resist the influence of television C. explains why TV is the major cause for decivilization D. demonstrates the difficulty in escaping the influence of TV [简答题]哪些情形下采矿权人应办理变更登记?
[判断题]电绝缘装具以每20s升压2000V的速度施加电压,在16000V时不被击穿。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]处置抵债资产时,严禁向买受意向人或其关联企业提供贷款用于购买抵债资产,且买受意向人或其关联企业必须无不良记录。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]人力运输用的工器具应牢固可靠,()使用前应进行检查。
A.第一次 B.每次 C.一般 D.为了安全 [单选题]可动心轨道岔的普通钢轨接头应使用10.9级螺栓,扭矩应保持在( )。
A.700~900N·m B.20~150N·m C.1100~1400N·m D.250~300N·m [单选题]FCOM08035盥洗室烟雾探测系统的电源来自:
A.电瓶汇流条 B.直流备用汇流条 C.1号直流汇流条 D.2号直流汇流条 [单项选择]青年男性患者,5天前有腹泻病史,2天前出现四肢无力,呈进行性加重,不伴大小便障碍。既往无类似病史。查体:脑神经正常,四肢肌张力低,肌力Ⅰ级,腱反射消失,病理反射阴性,无感觉障碍。心电图未见明显异常。
首先考虑的诊断是( ) A. 急性脊髓炎 B. 癔病性瘫痪 C. 重症肌无力 D. 周期性麻痹 E. 格林-巴利综合征 [单选题]某供电公司电缆检修班组对辖区内一条220kV电缆线路进行停电检修作业。在与工作票签发人联系开票过程中,工作票签发人将电力电缆第一种工作票误开成电力电缆第二种工作票,并在未审核的情况下交由工作负责人。工作票由设备运维管理单位签发,也可由静设备运维管理单位审核合格且经批准的()单位签发。
A.检修 B.基建 C.C检修及基建 D.D具有一定资质 [判断题]异步电动机的能耗制动,经常是把电机定子绕组接至直流电源上进行。( )
[单选题]课件的制作可以根据所讲授课程的特点,选择合适的软件,常用的软件是( )
A. Word B.Excel C.FrontPage D.PowerPoint [单项选择]大气温度垂直递减率(7)的平均值为
A. 0.50℃ B. 0.65℃ C. 0.82℃ D. 1.05℃ E. 1.20℃ [多选题]国家电网有限公司“一体四翼”发展布局中的“四翼”指的是什么?。
A.金融业务 B.国际业务 C.支撑业务 D.战略性新兴产业 [名词解释]上行书
A.装卸 B.装载加固 C.机械装卸 D.装卸搬运 [单项选择]波长的计量单位是()。
A. m,cm,mm,mu,A B. m,cm,mm,μm,A C. m,cm,mm,u,mu D. m,cm,mm,μm,nm E. m,cm,mm,μm,mu [填空题]
Rain forests{{/B}}
Tropical rainforests are the most diverse ecosystem (生态系统) on Earth, and also the oldest. Today, tropical rainforests cover only 6 percent of the Earth’s ground surface, but they are home to over half of the planet’s plant and animal species. {{B}}What Is a Rainforest {{/B}} Generally speaking, a rainforest is an environment that receives high rainfall and is dominated by tall trees. A wide range of ecosystems fall into this category, of course. But most of the time when people talk about rainforests, they mean the tropical rainforests located near the equator. These forests receive between 160 and 400 inches of rain per year. The total annual rainfall is spread pretty evenly throughout the year, and the temperature rarely dips below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This steady climate is due to the position of rainforests on the globe. Because of the or [判断题]修订的企业标准,应重新备案。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]理想的清除试验是( )
A. Na+清除试验 B. BUN清除试验 C. 葡萄糖清除试验 D. 内生肌酐清除试验 E. 菊粉清除试验 [判断题]采掘工作面接近积水区时,在地下水压的作用下,顶底板弯曲变形,有时伴有潮湿、渗水现象。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]甲骨文全部是象形字。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《国家电网公司关于印发“深化基建队伍改革、强化施工安全管理”有关配套政策的通知》规定,将核心劳务分包人员纳入施工单位“四统一”管理。“四统一”是指统一管理、()、统一管控和统一考核。
A.统一考试 B.统一培训 C.统一指挥 D.统一食宿 [单选题]WG-21A型无绝缘轨道电路自动闭塞(“N+1”系统),发送器空载输出时电源电流()。 ( )
A.0.2~0.3A B.0.2~0.35A C.0.3~0.5A D.0.2~0.5A [单选题]飞机重心位置的表示方法
A.用重心到机体基准面的距离和平均气动力弦长之比的百分数来表示 B.用重心到平均几何弦后缘的距离和平均几何弦长之比的百分数来表示 C.用重心到平均气动力弦前缘距离和平均气动力弦长之比的百分数来表示 [单选题]到发线普通线路铺设Ⅲ型混凝土枕配置根数不低于()根/km。《修规》第3.5.1条
A.1600 B.1660 C.1667 D.1760 我来回答: 提交