According to government statistics, men of all social classes in Britain visit pubs quite regularly, (61) the kind of pub they go to may be different and their reasons for going there (62) , too. Nowadays they often take their wives or girl-friends, which (63) to be the case.
The fact is that the typical English pub is changing, partly (64) the licensing laws not being so strict as they (65) , but also because publicans are trying to (66) away with the old Victorian (67) of the pub and (68) provide couples with an atmosphere where they can both enjoy themselves. Pub used not to open (69) at certain times. The result was that they were usually (70) with men who seemed to be drinking as much as possible in the time (71) . But that kind of pub is rapidly becoming a thing of the past.
Curiously enough, the old British licensing laws, which foreigners found so objectionable and absurd, were
A. except
B. except for
C. only
D. only for
One winter morning, my husband got up
early to ride his bike to his job. When my husband arrived at {{U}} (67)
{{/U}} , he parked his bike outside the back doors {{U}} (68) {{/U}}
he usually does. After putting in 10 {{U}} (69) {{/U}} hours of labour,
he returned to find his bike was gone -- stolen. I was so upset that someone would steal our only {{U}} (70) {{/U}} of transportation that I wrote to the {{U}} (71) {{/U}} newspaper and told them our story. They ran an article, and shortly {{U}} (72) {{/U}}, several people in our community {{U}} (73) {{/U}} to replace the bike. One wonderful stranger {{U}} (74) {{/U}} went out and bought a bike, then called my husband to come pick it {{U}} (75) {{/U}}. Once again my husband has a way to get to and from his jobs. It really is an {{U}} (76) {{/U}} that a complete stranger would g A. receptor B. receive C. reception D. receiver [单选题]不需要去皮壳取仁的药材是
A.草果 B.益智 C.巴豆 D.五味子 E.白果 [单项选择]Preparations are being made for the Olympic Games ______ in Beijing in 2008.
A. held B. holding C. to hold D. to be held [单选题]哮喘持续状态病人的护理不正确的是
A.保持有效 吸氧 B.保持呼吸道通畅 C.加快输液速度, 以纠正脱水,防止痰液黏塞 D.专人护理, 消除病人紧张恐惧心理 E.严密观察血压、 脉搏、呼吸及神志的变化 [多选题] 第82题
线损率是指()。 A.有功电能损失与输入端输送的电能量之比的百分数 B.电压损失与输入端的电压之比的百分数 C.有功功率损失与输入的有功功率之比的百分数 D.无功功率损失与输入的无功功率之比的百分数 [单选题]三相交流电路中,A相用()颜色标记。
A.红色 B.黄色 C.绿色 [多选题]某五层商场内设置的中庭和自动扶梯,与其连通部位进行了防火分隔,部分防火分区采用防火墙和防火卷帘进行分隔,下列在检查防火分隔时,做法错误的是()。
A.中庭上下连通的一、二、三层,建筑面积叠加后大于规范规定,每层连通部位总宽度为96m,均采用耐火极限为3.00h的垂直卷特级防火卷帘分隔 B.中庭上下联通的四、五层,建筑面积叠加后大于规范规定,每层连通部位均采用耐火隔热性和耐火完整性不低于1.00h的防火玻璃墙分隔 C.某自动扶梯处上下连通一、二层,建筑面积叠加大于规范规定,在二层连通部位全部采用耐火极限为3.00h的垂直卷特级防火卷帘分隔 D.四层防火分区之间采用耐火完整性为3.00h的无机纤维复合防火卷帘进行分隔,宽度满足要求 E.五层防火分区之间采用耐火完整性为3.00h的钢制防火卷帘进行分隔,宽度满足要求 [单选题]有机磷农药生产或使用过程中,导致人体中毒的主要途径是( )
A.消化道 B.皮肤 C.粘膜 D.呼吸道 E.消化道和粘膜 [单项选择]在现今的计算中,下列硬件的驱动程序不在主板BIOS中的有______。
Ⅰ.显示卡 Ⅱ.扫描仪 Ⅲ.打印机 Ⅳ.CD-ROM驱动器 A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ B. Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ C. Ⅰ和Ⅱ D. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ [简答题]机车、自轮运转特种设备拧紧人力制动机信号鸣笛方式为( )
[单项选择]母体的免疫球蛋白能通过胎盘转移给胎儿的是( )
A. IgA B. IgG C. IgM D. IgE E. SIgA [判断题]在长期中完全竞争厂商可能有经济亏损,但在短期中不会。
A.退回诉状并记录在册 B.不予立案 C.登记立案 D.判决驳回诉讼请求 [单选题]潜水泵工作时,泵的周围( )以内水面不准有人进入。
A.10m B.15m C.20m D.30m [单项选择]导致妇产科疾病的最重要病理机制()
A. 脏腑功能失常 B. 气分病变 C. 直中 D. 血分病变 E. 冲任损伤 [单选题]非盈利民用建设项目的效果,大部分是不宜用货币衡量的无形效果,只能用产品和劳务本身的效用(服务质量)来表示。评价这类项目,较为适宜的方法是( )。
A.净现值法 B.内部收益率法 C.经济效益分析 D.成本效用分析 [单项选择]Judging from the context, this passage is probably written______.
A. in 2004 B. between 2003—2004 C. in 2005 D. between 2004—2005 [单项选择]通常用来辅助诊断2型糖尿病是否进行性发展为1型糖尿病的自身抗体是()
A. 胰岛细胞胞质抗体 B. 胰岛素自身抗体 C. 谷氨酸脱羧酶自身抗体 D. 酪氨酸磷酸化酶自身抗体IA-2 E. 酪氨酸磷酸化酶自身抗体IA-2β [填空题]当转速不变时,柴油机的性能指标及其主要参数随负荷而变化的关系称为__( )______特性。
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