Fire Instructions
The Person Discovering a Fire Will:
1) Operate the nearest fire alarm. (This will cause the Alarm Bells to ring, and also send a signal to the telephone switchboard operator who will immediately call the fire Brigade).
2) Attack the fire with available equipment, if it is safe to do so.
Fire Alarm Bells
The Fire Alarm Bells will ring either in the area of A block (workshops and Administration Offices) or in the area of B Block (Teaching) and C Block (Sports Hall). Those in the area where the Alarm Bells are ringing should take action as indicated below. Others should continue with their work.
On Hearing Your Fire Alarm:
1) Those in class: will go to the Assembly Area under the instructions given by the teacher.
2) Those elsewhere: will go to the Assembly Area by the most sensible route, and stay near the head of their Department.
Assembly Area
The Assembly
A. Look for the fire-fighting equipment.
B. Go quickly to the Assembly area.
C. Go to the Reception Desk.
D. Carry on with the work you are doin
The origin of man is an extremely
controversial issue. Scientists have a host of different theories pertaining to
man’s inhabitancy of earth. Many{{U}} (67) {{/U}}arise between
scientists who have different beliefs about how mankind arose. One such argument
is the conflict{{U}} (68) {{/U}}the theory of evolution versus the
theory of creation. After{{U}} (69) {{/U}}scientific researches in
various field, it is{{U}} (70) {{/U}}that the theory of evolution is
correct. Life arose by natural{{U}} (71) {{/U}}at an early stage of the
earth’s history and{{U}} (72) {{/U}}organisms developed from simpler
organisms by slow changes. In other words, new species arise from older species
after thousands of years of{{U}} (73) {{/U}}chemical, environmental, and
genetic change. Evolution can also be{{U}} (74) {{/U}}as the complex
processes by which A. interference B. consistence C. sequence D. consequence [单项选择]女性,25岁。暴饮暴食后心窝部突然疼痛,伴恶心、呕吐两天。体温37.8℃,脉搏90次/分,血压为110/70mmHg,皮肤、巩膜无黄染,左上腹压痛,轻度肌紧张。白细胞15×109/L,血淀粉酶56单位(温氏法),尿淀粉酶456单位(温氏法)。下列哪项处置正确()
A. 半流食,针刺疗法 B. 半流食,解痉,助消化药 C. 禁食补液,解痉,止痛,抑肽酶,应用抗生素 D. 禁食,解痉止痛,肾上腺皮质激素 E. 手术疗法 [单项选择]既是常用的局麻药,又有抗心律失常作用的药物是()
A. 苯妥英钠 B. 普鲁卡因胺 C. 利多卡因 D. 胺碘酮 E. 罗哌卡因 [单选题]在新药资料申报后,省级药品监督管理部门应该首先进行的步骤是
A.形式审查 B.初审 C.现场核查 D.报送申报资料给国家食品药品监督管理总局 E.组织专家技术审评 [多选题]汽包液位波动如何处理( )。
A.找仪表工处理 B.稳定汽包压力 C.进水量小 D.启动备用泵 [单选题]橡皮艇与舷外机功率应相适配,规格4.2至4.7米(长)的橡皮艇应适配( )马力的舷外机。
A.15匹 B.30匹 C.40匹 D.60匹 [多项选择]世界各国宪法监督体制有( )。
A. 司法审查制度 B. 立法机关监督 C. 社会组织监督 D. 专门机关监督 [简答题]心脏扩大。
A. 确定危险程度 B. 确定危险等级 C. 确定风险程度 D. 确定危险系数 [填空题]职工连续请事假一次最长不得超过( )天,一个自然年度内不得超过( )天。
[多选题]总公司《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》文明服务中要求,站立时,挺胸收腹,两肩平衡,身体自然挺直,( )。
A.双臂自然下垂 B.手指并拢贴于裤线上 C.脚跟靠拢 D.脚尖略向外张呈“V”字形 [单选题]下列哪项不是心房纤颤的心电图特征
A.P波消失 B.f波频率约为350~600次/分 C.R-R间期规则 D.心率通常100~160次/分 E.QRS波形态通常正常 [单选题]关于一般借款资本化金额,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.外币一般借款在资本化期间内产生的汇兑差额应当资本化 B.一般借款为债券的,其资本化金额应该用票面利率来计算 C.一般借款资本化率可以是年度利率也可以是季度利率 D.一般借款资本化金额也是需要计算闲置资金的短期投资收益的 [单项选择]女生进入青春期,其生长突增高峰的开始年龄是
A. 6~8岁 B. 8~10岁 C. 1l~13岁 D. 9~11岁 E. 11~15岁 [单选题]除自摆炮外,都可加装( )变为移动泡沫炮。
A.泡沫吸管 B.空气吸口 C.发泡网 D.泡沫筒 [单项选择]将单位内部的局域网接入 Internet(因特网)所需使用的接入设备是______。
A. 防火墙 B. 集线器 C. 路由器 D. 中继转发器 [多选题]稍息的动作要领有()
A.A、双手握拳 B.B、腿自然伸直 C.C、上体保持立正姿势 D.D、身体重心大部分落于右脚 [判断题]做完工作安全分析需要办理作业许可证的作业活动,作业前不必获得相应的作业许可,就可开展工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]餐后呕吐大量不含食物的胆汁()
A. 吻合口梗阻 B. 输出袢空肠梗阻 C. 输入袢慢性不完全梗阻 D. 输入袢急性完全梗阻 E. 碱性反流性胃炎 [判断题]抢险救援手套和舒适层在180℃±5℃温度下保持5min,其表面无明显变化,且无熔融、脱离和燃烧现象,其在长度和宽度方向上的收缩率不大于10%。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交