Stress is becoming an increasingly
common feature of the workplace. Stress is a highly individual reaction, which
varies considerably from person to person, and it is difficult for some
employees to avoid it. Undoubtedly, changes in working conditions have led to
greater pressure at work at all levels. However, stress in itself is not harmful. Everyone needs a certain level of stress to enable him or her to feel motivated and to perform effectively. A complete absence of stress can be as damaging as overstress, since it can make people lose interest in their work, and even lead to depression. The difficulties occur when the amount of stress rises above a level which is healthy for a particular individual. While it may not always be possible to prevent stress, there are a number of ways in which it can be controlled. The first thing th A. At a level which is healthy for a particular individual. B. Full of stress at work. C. The more, the better. D. The less, the better. [填空题]When GM tomatoes first entered British supermarket, it caused a sensation to the whole immediately.
[单项选择]根据下面的程序段,AL寄存器中的数据是( )。
BUF DW 2152H,3416H,5731H,4684H MOV BX,OFFSET BUF MOV AL,3 XLAT A. 46H B. 57H C. 16H D. 34H [单选题] 客室车门最小障碍物检测尺寸为。(___)(1.0分)
A...25 × 60 mm B...30 × 60 mm C...25 × 65 mm D...30× 65 mm [判断题]客户利用止损指令,既可以有效地锁定利润,又可以将可能的损失降至最低限度,还能以相对较小的风险建立新的头寸。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]服用麦角胺后头痛可迅速缓解的疾病是
A.紧张性头痛 B.流行性脑脊髓膜炎 C.偏头痛 D.舌咽神经痛 E.颅脑肿瘤 [多选题]控制刀架移动的滑板有( )
A.床鞍滑板 B.中滑板 C.上滑板 D.下滑板 我来回答: 提交