The first English dictionary, called an
Alphabetical Table of Hard Words, was published in 1604. The dictionary was
actually{{U}} (26) {{/U}}a list of about 3 000 difficult words, each
followed by a one word{{U}} (27) {{/U}}. The author, Robert
Cawdrey,{{U}} (28) {{/U}}to include everyday words in his
dictionary.{{U}} (29) {{/U}}, he reasoned, would ever have to look up a
word in a dictionary if he already knew the meaning of the word. During the
1600’ s more dictionaries were published. Each followed Cawdrey’ s{{U}} (30)
{{/U}}and presented a few thousand{{U}} (31) {{/U}} words. Around
1700 one dictionary maker, John Kersey,{{U}} (32) {{/U}}define
easy words as well as hard ones. But unti A. no less than B. much less than C. nothing more than D. much more than [判断题]锅炉操作压力不同,但水处理要求不变。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据《劳动合同法》用人单位自用工之日起超过1个月不满1年未与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,应当向劳动者每月支付()倍的工资。
A. 1.5 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [判断题]需向封锁区间开行路用列车、轨道车等工程作业车时,调度命令下达后,车站应在5分钟内向司机递交调度命令并组织发车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中国坚持对外开放的基本国策,坚持打开国门搞建设,积极促进()国际合作,努力实现政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通,打造国际合作新平台,增添共同发展新动力。
A.金砖国家 B.丝绸之路 C.亚太经济合作组织 D.“一带一路” [单选题]在电杆上安装电气设备的杆塔,叫做( )。
A.跨越杆 B.设备杆 C.耐张杆 D.终端杆 [单选题]郑和七下“西洋”指得是( )
A.太平洋 B.大西洋 C.印度洋 D.北冰洋 [多项选择]急性心力衰竭的病因主要有()
A. 急性心肌严重损害 B. 前负荷过重 C. 后负荷过重 D. 恶性心律失常 E. 心室充盈受限 [单项选择]But for his courage, the battle ______.
A. was lost B. would be lost C. would have been lost D. was to be lost [单项选择]男,24岁,突然意识不清,跌倒,全身强直数秒钟后抽搐,咬破舌。2分钟后抽搐停止。醒后活动正常。应进一步做的检查是()
A. 头颅X线片 B. 脑电图 C. 脑脊液检查 D. 脑血管造影 E. E.经颅超声多普勒(TC [单选题]加强和创新社会治理的核心是什么?( )
A.人 B.制度 C.执行 D.社会 [单选题]心力衰竭并发心房扑动时首选
A.心得安 B.心律平 C.奎尼丁 D.快速洋地黄制剂 E.胺碘酮 我来回答: 提交