Researchers said it was clear that the
world’s oceans play a major role in queuing up rapid climate changes, but that
thus far the mechanics (机制,结构) of such changes were poorly under
stood. "It’s like being blindfolded and walking toward the edge of a cliff," said Wallace Brocker, a professor of environmental sciences at Columbia University. "We don’t understand (the factors) so we don’t really know what to look for." Using ice cores drilled from glaciers and other ice sheets, the researchers have developed a model showing world temperatures’ rising and falling with unsettling frequency over the past110 000 years. While some of the changes have been slow and steady, such as the end of the last Ice Age some 12 000 years ago, others have been swift and unexpected, such as the rapid warming of the North Atlantic from 19 A. has been keeping rising B. has risen and fallen at regular intervals C. has experienced no rapid and sudden changes D. has experienced both smooth and abrupt changes [判断题]题干:新洁尔灭属于低效消毒剂,可杀灭多数细菌繁殖体、真菌及有囊膜病毒等( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 计算机最直接的安全威胁是( )
A.网上的蓄意破坏 B.侵犯隐私或机密资料 C.病毒 D.内部威胁和无意破坏 [单项选择] Language
When most of us think about language, we think first about words. Thus, the hardest part of learning a foreign language may seem to be memorizing 【51】 vocabulary; when we observe a child first acquiring speech, we talk of his progress 【52】 a matter of learning new words. We are also 【53】 to feel that the adult speaker with the largest vocabulary has the best 【54】 of English. To think 【55】 a language as just a stock of words is 【56】 , quite wrong. Words alone do not 【57】 a language; a grammar is 【58】 to combine them in some intelligible way. Moreover, words are relatively easy to learn, and indeed all of us go 【59】 learning them all our 【60】 . They are also the 【61】 stable part of language. Words come into 【62】 , change their pronunciations and meanings, and disappear completely all with comparative ease. Yet it is true that the 【63】 is focus of language. It is in words 【64】 sounds and meanings interlock to allow us to 【65】 with one anothe
A. command B. possession C. authority D. control [多选题]公民( )时,继承开始。
A.失踪10年 B.死亡 C.宣告失踪10年 D.宣告死亡 E.下落不明20年 [判断题]5、行政执法辅助人员可以独立自主地配合从事宣传教育、信息采集、接收或者受理申请、参与调查、劝阻违法行为、送达文书、后勤保障等工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某房地产开发项目总建筑面积为10000m2,固定总成本为2000万元,单位变动成本为3000元/m2,销售税费率为20%,该项目保本售价应为( )元/m2。
A.4167 B.6250 C.10000 D.25000 [单选题]无齿锯切割锯片有磨砂锯片和金刚石锯片两种类型,一般直径为250mm,可切割厚度为( )。
A.150mm B.250mm C.100mm D.200mm [单项选择]患者女性,56岁,颈粗20余年,查体:甲状腺Ⅲ度肿大,多个结节,最大达5.Ocm,诊断为单纯性结节性甲状腺肿。因气管受压,于3周前接受了手术治疗。术后处理是
A. 不需用药、定期观察 B. 多食含碘丰富的食物 C. 忌用含碘食物或药物 D. 长期服甲状腺素 E. 核素131I治疗 [多选题]各类作业人员应接受相应的(),经考试合格上岗。
A.安全生产教育 B.安全警示教育 C.岗位技能培训 D.岗位职责培训 [单选题]关于工程建设强制性标准的说法,正确的是( )。
A.涉及人体健康、人身财产安全的标准,应当制定强制性标准,并免费向社会公开标准文本 B.工程建设地方标准属于强制性标准 欣欣助考 C.工程质量监督机构应当对工程建设勘察、设计、施工和监理阶段强制性标准执行情况进行监督检查 D.团体标准是政府主导制定的标准 [多项选择]城市处在不同的地区,在用地评定的时候,也可根据情况有所侧重。丘陵地区的城市评价的主要因素是:
A. 地形条件 B. 地貌条件 C. 水文条件 D. 降水量 E. 气象条件 [判断题]采用捆扎法的原料必须要有胀性。( )
[填空题] 自动触发功能只对计划车或( )车有效。
A. 将“花果山”申请注册为集体商标,使用于鸭梨上 B. 将“花果山”申请注册为证明商标,使用于鸭梨上 C. 将鸭梨的形状申请注册为立体商标,使用于鸭梨上 D. 将“香梨”申请注册为文字商标,使用于鸭梨上 [多选题]现场应按照以下( )等要求对气焊(气割)作业实施管理。
A.作业时,乙炔瓶可卧放使用 B.乙炔瓶上应安装回火防止器 C.当氧气软管着火时,应迅速折弯软管断气 D.点燃焊(割)炬时,应先开启氧气瓶阀 E.乙炔瓶严禁受到敲击、震动、暴晒或烘烤 [单选题]建筑设计单位对设计文件选用的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备,()生产厂、供应商。
A.可以指定 B.不得指定 C.必须指定 D.必须认定 [单选题]在工作人员上下铁架或梯子上,应悬挂( )的标示牌。
A.A-“从此上下!” B. B-“在此工作” C. C-“从此进出!” D.D-“止步,高压危险!” [单项选择]Architects are hopeless when it comes to deciding whether the public will view their designs as marvels or monstrosities, according to a study by Canadian psychologists. They say designers should go back to school to learn about ordinary people’s tastes.
Many buildings that appeal to architects get the thumbs down from the public. Robert Gifford of the University of Victoria in British Columbia decided to find out whether architects understand public preferences and simply disagree with them, or fail to understand the lay person’s view. With his colleague Graham Brown, he asked 25 experienced architects to look at photos of 42 large buildings in the US, Canada, Europe and Hong Kong. The architects predicted how the public would rate the buildings on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 represented "terrible” and 10"excellent". A further 27 people who were not architects also scored the buildings out of 10. In addition, eight architects gave their own personal ratings of the buildings. A. it uses photos instead of actual visits B. it ignores the public tastes between generations C. it lacks the necessary significance and interests D. it doesn’t take into account the differences within the public [简答题]天线的避雷保护和接地要求有哪些?
A. “失效”保单 B. “变更”保单 C. “独立”保单 [单项选择]一项食管癌发病危险因素的成组病例对照研究结果表明,在150例病例组中80例有慢性胃灼热,而在300例对照组中20例有慢性胃灼热。对照组慢性胃灼热的暴露率为( )
A. (80×280)/(20×70) B. 80/150 C. 20/300 D. 20/280 E. (80×100)/(350×70) [单选题]10KV及以下线路钢筋混凝土电杆12m杆其埋设深度不宜小于:()。
A.1.9m B.2.0m C.2.3m D.2.6~3.0m [单项选择]易耗气伤津的邪气为()
A. 风 B. 寒 C. 暑 D. 湿 E. 燥 [单选题] 全面推进依法治国,总目标是:( )
A. 建设中国特色社会主义法治体系,建设社会主义法治国家 B. 维护社会和谐稳定 C. 维护社会公平正义 D. 实现“二个一百年”奋斗目标 [单选题]《电信服务规范》(信息产业部第36号令)附录6规定各移动通通信企业及信息业务经营者的服务系统应当自动记录短信息的发送与接收时间、发送端和接收端的电话号码,保存期限至少( )个月。
A.5 B.6 C.12 D.24 [多选题]多选题:48键调度台由( )组成。
A.数字键区 B.用户键区 C.功能键区 D.液晶显示屏 [多项选择]电路的情况包括()。
A. 通路 B. 断路 C. 短路 D. 同路 [单选题][单选题]事故一般分为()四级。
A.重大事故、一般重大事故、较大事故和一般事故 B.特别重大事故、重大事故、较大事故和一般事故 C.特别重大事故、较大事故、一般事故和轻微事故 D.特别重大事故、重大事故、一般事故和轻微事故 [判断题]对钻井队工人的培训,要以懂井控装置的结构、工作原理,会安装、调试,能正确判断和排除故障为重点;
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 严禁非作业人员进入生产作业现场。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]除冰时由( )向外敲打,防止冰短接带电体,不得敲击绝缘子等接触网设备。
A.带电侧 B.停电侧 C.田野侧 D.线路侧 [填空题]进行性肌营养不良症患者家系分析中有两名以上患者的母亲,但母系亲属中无先证者为_________。
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