项目 | 现行收账政策 | 甲方案 | 乙方案 |
年赊销额(万元/年) | 4800 | 5200 | 5400 |
信用条件 | N/60 | N/90 | 2/60,N/180 |
收账费用(万元/年) | [单选题]横河CENTUM CS系统中,一台操作站最多可连接( )台打印机。
A.1 B.4 C.2 D.3 [单项选择]为了方便轨排同砼更好接触,双块式无砟轨道板砼浇筑完后()小时,应将螺杆调节器逆时针转90°~180°。
A. 2~3 B. 2.5~5 C. 0.5~1.5 [多项选择]属于秦书八体的有()
A. 大篆 B. 小篆 C. 隶书 D. 虫书 E. 草书 [单项选择]抽搐不伴有意识障碍最可能的原因是()
A. 急性脑血管病 B. 脑外伤 C. 癫痫 D. 癔症 E. 破伤风 [多选题]RS485控制器的优点。
A.RS485控制器的优点 B.接口电路的芯片不宜损坏 C.传输速率高 D.抗噪声干扰性好 E.传输距离远 F.略 G.略 H.略 [单项选择]MISCONSTRUE: INTERPRET ::
A. (A) dislike: attach B. (B) misrepresent: clarify C. (C) miscalculate: reckon D. (D) misapprehend: donate E. (E) misbehave: recite [单选题]特种作业操作证,每( )复审一次。
A.1年 B.1 年半 C.2 年 D.3 年 [单选题]猪带绦虫病确诊的依据是
A.粪便中查到带绦虫卵 B.粪便中发现链状带绦虫孕节 C.皮下触到囊虫结节 D.血清中检出绦虫抗体 E.肛门拭子法查虫卵 [单选题]矩形母线应减少直角弯,弯曲处不得有裂纹及显著的折皱,当125mm×l0mm及其以下铜母线弯成平弯时,最小允许弯曲半径R为( )倍的母线厚度。
A.1.5 B.2.5 C.2 D.3 [单选题]在计算短路电流时,若系统阻抗不超过短路回路阻抗的( ),即可看作是无限大功率电源。
A.1%~10% B.2%~10% C.3%~10% D.5%~10% [单项选择]你负责的项目已经完成70%的进度,但成本与基线有重大偏差,且已超出可恢复的范围。根据成本偏差情况,团队提出了成本基准变更请求,并已取得变更控制委员会的批准。作为这个变更的结果,以下所有文件都需要相应更新,除了()。
A. 范围基准 B. 完工尚需绩效指数 C. 项目管理计划 D. 组织过程资产 [单选题]气相色谱法进行载气流速测定时需使用()
A.皂膜流量计 B.转子流量计 C.气压计 D.皂膜流量计和秒表 [判断题]温升是变压器在额定状态运行时允许超过周围环境的温度值,它取决于变压器所用绝缘材料的耐热等级。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Washington: The Bush administration has ______ for the first time that it may be willing to ______ a multinational force in Iraq to operate under the ______ of the United Nations as long as ______ by an American.
The idea was described by Richard L.Armitage, the deputy secretary of state, as just"______" in discussions at the United Nations. It was first ______ publicly last week by Kofi Annan, the United Nations’ secretary general.
Mr. Armitage’s remarks, made ______ to regional reporters and released by ______ today, represent ______ in course for the administration, which has until now insisted that all ______ matters in Iraq remain under total American control. Allowing the United Nations ______ would be intended to win the support of the Security Council for ______ authorizing the occupation of the country.
In his remarks, Mr. Armitage ______ to discuss the plans ______, saying, "I don’t think it helps to ______ publicly fight now." But he described the arrangement und
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交