American doctors say mothers who smoke
cigarettes may slow the growth of their children’ s lungs (肺). They said reduced
lung growth could cause the children to suffer breathing problems and lung
diseases (疾病) later in life. Doctors studied more than 1 100 children between
the ages of five and nine. The mothers of some of the children smoked; the other
mothers did not. Doctors tested the children once a year for five years to see
how fast their lungs were growing. The test measured the amount of air the
children could blow out of their lungs in one second. Children should be able to
blow out more air each year because their lung-power increases as their lungs
develop. But the doctors found that the lungs of the children whose
mothers smoked had not developed as fast as they should. Doctors are not sure
when the mothers’ smoking affected A. Ten times. B. Five times. C. Once. D. Twice. [单选题]货车运用维修限度规定,车轮轮辋E型不小于( )。
A.(A)22mm B.(B)23mm C.(C)24mm D.(D)25mm [判断题]党内职务仅仅是指党内选举的职务。
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A.当上下限受到公差的影响时 B.作频数分布表时,分组过多 C.过程中某要素缓慢劣化时 D.过程中存在自动反馈调整时 E.当测量方法有问题或读错测量数据时 [多项选择]考虑强夯法处理地基夯点夯击次数时,与下列( )有关。
A. 前后地表下沉量 (B) B. 周围是否隆起 (D) 是否因 [单选题]防喷器控制装置的( )处于关闭状态。
A.气泵进油阀 B.液旁通阀 C.电动泵进油阀 D.蓄能器总阀 [单项选择]根据Ig轻链恒定区肽链抗原特异性的不同,可将Ig分为哪几型()
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A.油位 B.温度 C.各零件 [单选题]资本主义生产成本中不应包括( )
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A. 是独立的,与民事留置权无关 B. 是民事留置权的例外 C. 是民事留置权的另一种表达形式 D. 是民事留置权的上位概念 [单选题]银行间本币市场的资金划拨系统是()。
A.大额支付系统 B.外汇清算系统 C.债券托管系统 D.银行转帐 我来回答: 提交