At all age and at all stages of life,
fear presents a problem to almost everyone. "We are largely the playthings of
our fears," wrote the British author Horace Walpole many years ago. "To one,
fear of the dark, to another, of physical pain, to third, of public ridicule, to
a fourth, of poverty, to loneliness…for all of us our particular creature waits
in a hidden place." Fear is often a useful emotion. When you become frightened, many physical changes occur within your body. Your heartbeat and responses quicken, your pupils expand to admit more light, large quantities of energy producing adrenaline(肾上腺素)are poured into your bloodstream. Confronted with a fli’e or accident, fear can fuel life-saving flight(逃离). Similarly, when a danger is psychological rather than physical, fear can force you to take self-protective measures. It is only when fear is dispr A. the danger is thought greater than it really is B. eth danger is ore psychological than physical C. one cannot stand the danger D. one is not well prepared for it [单项选择]下列选项中,( )是指建设单位发生的构成基本建设实际支出的建筑工程和安装工程的实际成本。
A. 建筑工程投资支出 B. 安装工程投资支出 C. 建筑安装工程投资支出 D. 设备投资支出 [单选题]所属企业应当成立安全环保事故隐患评估领导小组,由( )牵头,职能部门和事故隐患所在单位及有关专家等参加,对排查出的事故隐患进行评估分级。
A.主管部门 B.主管领导 C.主要领导 D.分管领导 [多选题]普速旅客列车消防安全台账在车下存放,其中( )应单独设置并携带上车。
A.乘务人员消防安全培训记录 B.《餐车油垢清扫记录》 C.《三乘检查记录》 D.消防器材登记 [简答题]我国电力系统中-性点接地方式有哪几种?它们各有什么特点?
A. 肾上腺素 B. 多巴胺 C. 酚妥拉明 D. 阿托品 E. 普萘洛尔 [单项选择]( )是指因某种原因而引起的合同权利义务客观上不复存在。
A. 合同解除 B. 合同无效 C. 合同终止 D. 合同变更 [单项选择]中心静脉压测定的禁忌证是()
A. 严重创伤、休克 B. 穿刺部位有感染的病人 C. 需大量快速补充血容量 D. 安装临时起搏器 E. 施行心血管和大而复杂手术的病人 [多项选择]
A. 联合检查 B. 扣押 C. 吊销营业执照 D. 罚款5万元 我来回答: 提交