People in different parts of the world
have very different ideas about what is good to eat. Even when people in
different countries eat the same food, they often prepare it very differently.
If you were in Germany, you would find soup that is thick and heavy. If you were
in China, you would find soup that is thin and clear. On holidays most of us eat
special foods year after year, even if many other things change, the food is
always the same. Sometimes housewives begin weeks in advance to prepare, the
special foods that are traditionally served on certain holidays. People in different parts of the world also have different ideas about what is good to drink. Among the most popular hot drinks are coffee and tea. Coffee is very popular in northern Europe and in the Middle East. Some people put cream and sugar in their coffee. But in the United A. add tea to it B. add milk to it C. drink it with cream or sugar added D. drink it with nothing added [单选题]反应器中参加反应的乙炔量为550kg/h,加入反应器的乙炔量为5000kg/h则乙炔转化率为:()
A.91% B.11% C.91.67% D.21% [单选题]插设车钩防跳插销,确认( )良好。
A.插设 B.安装 C.装入 D.防跳性能 [填空题]先秦时古人的姓和氏是两个不同的概念,如秦始皇为嬴姓,那么他的氏是()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]孔径较大时,应取( )的切削速度。
A.任意 B.较大 C.较小 D.中速 [判断题]车站值班员提供18:00(6:00)前各方向列车到发、线路运用及机车交路和在段机车台数。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]与电磁式仪表相比,对电动式仪表描述正确的是()
A.测量准确度高 B.只能用交流 C.只能用直流 D.过载能力较大 [多选题]老挝各级人民法院是国家的审判机关,包括()和军事法院。
A.最高人民法院 B.省人民法院 C.市人民法院 D.县人民法院 [单选题]车轮轮缘产生偏磨的主要原因是( )。
A.制动力过大 B.制动力不足 C.车轮材质不良 D.同一轮对两车轮直径差过大 [单项选择]房水的生理功能不包括()
A. 维持和调节眼压 B. 营养角膜组织 C. 构成屈光介质的一部分 D. 营养脉络膜 E. 营养晶状体 [单项选择]不全性肠梗阻病人经保守治疗后症状有所缓解,出现部分排气排便,但病人于好转后第5天中午进软食后,突感腹痛加重,为阵发性绞痛,呕吐剧烈,呕吐物为咖啡色。体查:腹部不胀,但右下腹明显压痛,似可扪及一肠袢,且有压痛,腹腔穿刺抽出血性液体少许。复查X线平片示空肠、回肠换位。对此病情变化应考虑()
A. 有肠绞窄或肠扭转发生 B. 粘连加重,与进食有关 C. 原诊断有误,应是肠道肿瘤性肠梗阻 D. 慢性肠套叠又重新套入所致 E. 肠蛔虫病,并发蛔虫团性急性梗阻 [配伍题]晚期产后出血感染邪毒证治疗方剂为()。|晚期产后出血气虚证治疗方剂为()。
A. 补中益气汤 B. 生化汤合失笑散 C. 保阴煎 D. 五味消毒饮合失笑散 E. 归脾汤 [单项选择]