NOT JUST A SHOP! In his yearly report, the chairman of a chain of retail outlets writes about the financial aspects of the business and describes the work which the company has done to benefit people in the areas where their shops are located. It continues to be an important part of our company policy to be responsible for the health and welfare of people in the areas which we serve. In the past year, we have concentrated especially on education and training, and have invested over $ 5,000,000 in this and other areas ranging from the care of the old to the arts. Let us look at these first. We have, as always, financed he [单选题] 某有限责任公司6月1日注册时法定代表人为张某,因公司管理层出现变动,于本年度10月1日,变更法定代表人为李某,李某在公司事务中不负责管理,管理者是陈某,而陈某是在该公司实际控制人江某的授意和指示下管理公司事务,那么该公司11月1日发生一起安全责任事故,要追究主要负责人的责任,那么应当追究哪位( )。
A.张某 B.李某 C.陈某 D.江某 [单选题]单线区间的车站,经以闭塞电话、列车调度电话或其他电话呼唤( ) min无人应答时,由列车调度员发布调度命令,封锁相邻区间,按封锁区间办法向不应答站发出列车。
A.每3分钟 B.5分钟 C.8分钟 [判断题]在进行倒负荷或解、并列操作前后,检查相关电源运行及负荷分配情况,不必填入操作票内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额应是消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用的:
A. 3倍 B. 1倍 C. 0.5倍 D. 2倍 [单项选择]关于缺隙保持器适应证,描述错误的是()
A. 乳牙早失,恒牙胚牙根形成大于1/2 B. 间隙有缩小的趋势 C. 多数乳磨牙早失,影响患儿咀嚼功能 D. 牙冠上覆盖有较厚的骨组织 E. 乳牙早失,恒牙胚牙根尚未发育 [单项选择]Since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty. That compulsion has resulted in robotics—the science of conferring various human capabilities on machines. And ff scientists have yet to create the mechanical version of science fiction, they have begun to come close.
As a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by intelligent gizmos whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor. Our factories hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms. Our banking is done at automated teller terminals that thank us with mechanical politeness for the transaction. Our subway trains are controlled by tireless robot-drivers. And thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics, there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy—far greater precision than h A. programs B. experts C. devices D. creatures [单选题] 驾驶人未携带哪种证件驾驶机动车上路,交通警察可依法扣留车辆?
A.机动车驾驶证 B.居民身份证 C.从业资格证 D.机动车通行证 [单选题]本规程适用于国家电网公司系统各单位( )的电力监控系统及相关场所,其他相关系统可参照执行。
A.所有 B.运行中 C.建设中 D.全部 [单选题] 网上银行、支付宝、微信转账等的运用使得购买更便捷,说明科学技术影响着消费者的( )
A.购物习惯 B.商品结构 C.购买水平 D.商品需要 [单选题]施工单位完成单位工程后,向建设单位提出验收申请,并组织进行验收。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]改汇的具体规定有哪些?
[单选题]根据《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》,包工包料工程的预付款的支付比例不得低于签约合同价(扣除暂列金额)的______,不宜高于签约合同价(扣除暂列金额)的______。( )
A.10%,30% B.10%,20% C.15%,30% D.15%,40% [单选题]以下哪些是列车广播及乘客信息系统的功能之一?()
A.制冷启停 B.监控系统联动功能 C.HMI/DDU信息显示 D.客室开关 [单选题]ETC出口费显显示“黑名单车辆请走人工车道”,说明车辆可能存在()情况。
A.标签拆卸 B.卡未插在标签内或未插好 C.非ETC车辆 D.车辆入黑名单或状态名单 [单项选择]主柴油发电机稳态电压调整率应不超过柴油发电机额定电压的()
A. ±1.5% B. ±2.0% C. ±2.5% D. ±3.0% [单项选择]在洽租航次租船时,通常使用()。
A. 标准租船合同范本 B. 出租人的合同格式 C. 承租方的合同格式 D. 国际统一标准租船合同 [填空题]线程也可以称为“轻量级进程”(Lightweight Process),它是处理器调度的对象。线程表示的是【 】中的一个控制点和一条执行途径。
A. 平均海面 B. 最高潮位 C. 最低潮位 D. 涨潮历时 [判断题]TDCS安全防护地线接地电阻不得大于10Ω。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]实现公共物品资源配置效率的基本途径是( )。
A.完善公共部门的组织制度 B.完善民主、科学的财政决策机制 C.完善所得税制度 D.完善事业单位拨款制度 [简答题]09年1月6日,射孔×队在辛××井射孔进行施工,该井为新井投产,采用102枪弹油管输送射孔,投棒没有引爆起爆器,如何处理?
A. 附子 B. 白术 C. 干姜 D. 生姜 E. 人参 我来回答: 提交