Even if almost nothing is known about the neuroanatomy of symboling, a great deal is known about the evolution of mind (or "minding," if mind is considered as a process rather than a thing), in which one finds symboling as the characteristic of a particular stage of development. The evolution of minding can be traced in the following sequence of stages. First is the simple reflexive stage, in which behaviour is determined by the intrinsic properties of both the organism and the thing reacted to—for example, the contraction of the pupil of the eye under increased stimulation by light. Second is the conditioned reflex stage, in which the response is elicited not
by properties intrinsic in the stimulus but by meanings that the stimulus has acquired for the responding organism through experience—for example, Pavlow’s dog’s salivary glands responding to the sound of a bell. Third is the instrumental stage, as exemplified by a chimpanzee knocki
A. The achievements of stage four are based on the ones of the previous three stages.
B. Symboling is the characteristic of each of the four stages of development.
C. The two aspects of the evolution of minding are symboling and articulate speech.
D. The factor of referring meanings of things involved is significant in all the four stages of development.