{{B}}Happiness and Sadness{{/B}} Happiness and sadness are two most basic and familiar feeling for human beings. Recently, people have achieved further understanding about them. {{B}}Happiness{{/B}} University of Illinois, psychologist Ed Diener, who has studied happiness for a quarter century, was in Scotland recently, explaining to members of Parliament and business leaders the value of increasing traditional measures of a country’s wealth with a national index of happiness. Such an index would measure policies known to increase people’s sense of well-being, such as democratic freedoms, access to health care and the rule of law. Eric Wilson tried to get with the program. Urged on by friends, he bought books on how to become happier. He made every effort to smooth out A. borrowing books on how to become happier B. trying to keep a sunny smile C. starting his conversations with "Hello!" D. trying to have a good rest [判断题]检电工作应在停电以后进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]What’s the flight number
[*] [多选题]自动喷水泡沫联用系统主要由( )等部件组成
A.自动喷水灭火系统 B.系统总阀 C.泡沫液输送管网 D.泡沫混合液供给装置 [简答题]餐巾在宴席上有哪些作用?
A. 慢性肝病 B. 严重感染 C. 严重脱水 D. 慢性肾炎 E. 门脉高压腹水 [单选题]听觉信号,长声为3s,短声为1s,间隔为()s。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]中国政府第一次公开提出和平解决台湾问题的方针,是在( )中。
A.全国人大常委会《告台湾同胞书》 B.《论十大关系》 C.第26届联合国大会 D.中美上海公报 [单选题]验电和装拆接地线,必须由()人进行;()人操作,()人监护。
A.两;一;一 B.三;一;二 C.三;二;一 D.四;二;二 [单选题]旧电缆拆除前应做好核对工作,认真核对图纸资料,并根据电缆的走向认定两侧无误。拆除电缆,应先断开接线,再断开另一侧接线,两侧核对确认。
A.A、被拆设备侧 B.B、两侧均可 C.C、运行设备侧 [填空题]消防救援人员,是纳入国家( )由国务院应急管理部门统一领导管理的综合性消防救援队伍在职人员。
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