In the United States, teaching is very
important. If teachers do not teach well, students complain. If many students do
no understand, people think that the teacher does not do a good job. The teacher
has big responsibility to make sure the students understand. In a sense,
students are consumers and teacher is offering services. Students have the right to evaluate their teachers, and they usually do so at the end of each course. That evaluation includes lots of aspects of teachin A. try to please students B. treat their students as consumers C. understand their students well D. make sure their students understand [简答题]试述预制构件安装要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]治疗痰湿中阻之眩晕的主方应选()
A. 二陈汤 B. 半夏白术天麻汤 C. 天麻钩藤饮 D. 异功散 E. 参苓白术丸 [单选题]( )用于井口压力的控制和调节油(气)井的生产流量。
A.采油(气)井口装置 B.锲形节流阀 C.节流阀 D.节流管汇 [多选题]()等纳入负面清单的数据, 由数据使用方提出申请, 经数据产生的总部业务部门和数据归口管理部门审批后方可对内跨部门、 跨单位给数据使用方使用。
A. 商业秘密 B. 工作秘密 C. 个人信息 D. 个人秘密 [单项选择]{{I}}Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview with a chief-editor. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following questions.
Now listen to the interview.{{/I}}Where was Mary Ann born
A. In a small village. B. North of Chicago. C. In Washington. D. In Hawaii. [判断题]在Word应用程序的编辑窗口,“常用”工具栏和“格式”工具栏必须出现,否则某些操作无法完成。( )
[单选题]反应层面的评估是对培训效果的最基本评估,主要的测试方法为( )。 分值5分
A.观察法 B.问卷调查法 C.测试法 D.360度考核法 [单选题]手足搐搦多见于()
A.儿童脑风湿性病变 B.低血钙 C.慢性肝病 D.震颤性麻痹 E.小脑疾患 [判断题]道口值班室内应悬挂道口工岗位责任制、道口工作业标准、道口联控管理制度、应急处置办法等,电气化区段道口还应设置电气化相关要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]没收危险品时,应向被没收人出具书面证明。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一类高层民用建筑的耐火等级( )_。
A.应为一级 B.不应低于二级 C.不应低于三级 D.不应低于四级 [多选题]晋升专业技术等级的程序有哪些?
A.党委或政工人事部门研究提出工作方案 B.对符合晋升专业技术等级资格条件的人员进行民主推荐或者民主测评,提出初步人选 C.考察了解并确定拟晋升专业技术等级人选 D.对拟晋升专业技术等级人选进行公示,公示期不得少于5个工作日 E.审批 [简答题]电气类事故主要包括哪些方面?
A. NK细胞 B. 巨噬细胞 C. 中性粒细胞 D. γδT细胞 E. αβT细胞 [单选题]煤矿企业必须按国家规定对呼吸性粉尘进行监测,采掘工作面每( )月测定( )。
A.2个;1次 B.3个;1次 C.4个;1次 [单选题]
患者,男性,65岁,一周前因肺炎入院。该患者有高血压病史十余年。其所住病房靠近马路,现马路正在扩建,机器昼夜轰鸣。患者感眩晕、恶心、失眠等症状加重,血压波动较大。护士应该帮助该患者 A. 经常开窗通风 B. 调节室内温度 C. 适时调节室内明暗度 D. 更换病室 E. 室内摆满鲜花 [填空题]
Food Poisoning -- and How to Prevent
Changing lifestyles in the modem world have resulted in an increased demand for ready-to-cat foods, fast foods and dining out. This change in demand has, in mm, brought with it new and increased problems. One of these is the risk of bacterial food poisoning. How does food poisoning occur Usually, it takes large numbers of food poisoning bacteria to be present in food in order to cause illness. However, given the right conditions, bacteria can multiply very rapidly. These conditions include: {{B}}Time{{/B}} -- In ideal conditions, one bacterium can multiply to 2,097,152 within seven hours. {{B}} Temperature{{/B}} -- Food poisoning bacteria grow best in the temperature range of 5℃ -- 60℃. This is called the temperature danger zone. Food should not be left in the temperature danger zone. {{B}} Nutrients {{/B}}-- Bacteria need their own [单项选择]Cushing病是指下列哪种病因引起的皮质醇增多症()
A. 原发于肾上腺本身的肿瘤 B. 垂体分泌ACTH过多 C. 垂体外癌瘤产生ACTH D. 不依赖ACTH的双侧肾上腺结节性增生 E. 大剂量应用糖皮质激素 [单选题]患者,女性,65岁。因呼吸困难入院,鉴别其是否为心源性呼吸困难最有价值的实验诊断指标是
A.肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB) B.国际标准化比率(INR) C.乳酸脱氢酶(LDH) D.血浆B型利钠肽(BNP) E.血培养 [判断题]乘卧铺的便乘时间不计算工作时间。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]2.80车辆管理所在办理大客车"营转非"业务时,要严格审核所有人身份证明、二手车交易发票、登记证书、行驶证等证明凭证,并向交通运输部门核查车辆办理道路运输证情况,道路运输证没有注销的,告知当事人注销后方可办理"营转非"业务。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]SF6气瓶应放置在阴凉干燥、通风良好、敞开的专门场所,水平保存,并应远离热源和油污的地方,防潮、防阳光暴晒,并不得有水分或油污粘在阀门上。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交