In promising to fuse media as diverse
as television, telephone communication, video games, music and data
transmission, the era of digital convergence goes better than yesterday’s
celebrated "information superhighway". Yet achieving this single technology is
far from straightforward. There are currently three major television broadcast
standards, and they are all incompatible with each other. But this is nothing
compared to the many technologies supporting the Internet, each with a different
bandwidth and physical media. The problems faced in designing platforms and
communication systems that will be accepted across the world can appear
insuperable. Even once global standards are assured, however, a further obstacle lies in wait. The Internet is plagued by long, erratic response times because it is a pull-technology, driven by patterns of user demands. P A. diversification of communication systems. B. integrating a wide range of means of media. C. adaptation of global standards to consumer habits. D. detaching entertainment from communications. [简答题]简要说明推理的分类。
[单选题]信访工作人员( )将信访人的检举、接发材料及有关情况透露或者转给被检举、揭发的人员或单位。
A..视情况 B.不得 C.根据需要 [单选题]目前,打印机接口中的并行接口基本被淘汰,现在市场上主要使用的借口是( )
A.串行接口 B.USB接口 C.PS/2接口 D.1394接口 [多选题]工作许可后,工作负责人、专责监护人应向工作班成员交待(),告知危险点,并履行签名确认手续,方可下达开始工作的命令。
A.现场电气设备接线情况 B.工作内容 C.人员分工 D.带电部位 E.现场安全措施 [单选题]蓄电池组的核对性放电试验,是以实际负载进行放电试验,放出蓄电池额定容量的——。(1.00分)
A.30%-40% B.10%-20% C.50%-60% D.80%以上 [单选题]因为特殊原因不需要给供应商进行产品结算,但产品需要进入库存,所以创建订单操作时在行项目中( )点勾
。 A.附品 B.免费 C.赠品 D.附带 [单项选择]预控性处置发生在( )。
A. 风险预警报告正式作出前 B. 风险预警报告已经作出,决策部门尚未采取措施前 C. 风险预警报告尚未作出,决策部门尚未采取措施前 D. 风险预警报告已经作出,决策部门已经采取措施后 [单选题] 1400.诗句"何以解忧,唯有杜康"的作者是()。
A.李白 B.杜甫 C.曹操 D.刘伶 [判断题]导引绳的接头为旋转连接器时,旋转连接器被牵引至接近小牵引机处停止牵引锚线。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]境内居民机构和境内非居民个人之间人民币首付款业务的国际收支申报范围包括()
A.A.涉及资本项目管理 B.B.涉及货物贸易进出口核查 C.C.代发工资类 D.D.涉外收付款人在同一法人银行内 [判断题]磁浮车辆进行年检后,经检修后符合相关技术标准,发放磁浮列车状态卡准予上线运行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]在进行胜任素质模型构建过程中,在研发阶段进行任务要项分析时,应当要考虑哪些内容?
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