Successful innovations have driven many
older technologies to extinction and have resulted in higher productivity,
greater consumption of energy, increased demand for raw materials, accelerated
flow of materials through the economy and increased quantities of metals and
other substances in use per person. The history of industrial development is
full of examples. In 1870, homes and mules were the prime source of power on U.S. farms. One horse or many decades. At that time, had a national commission been asked to forecast the horse and mule population for 1970, its answer probably would have depended on whether its consultants were of an economic mm of mind. Had they been "economists", they would have recognized that the power of steam had already been harnessed to industry and to land and ocean transport. They would have recognized further that would be A. He is excited about them. B. He is disturbed by them. C. He questions their usefulness. D. He accepts them as natural. [多选题]我国国防教育实行( )的方针。
A.全员动员 B.团结一致 C.全民参与 D.长期坚持 E.讲求实效 [单项选择]27岁初孕妇,妊娠38周,枕左前位,阴道无痛性流血超过400ml,胎心120次/分,无规律宫缩。本例最恰当的处理应是()
A. 期待疗法 B. 缩宫素引产 C. 立即行人工破膜 D. 行刮宫产木 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]某变电站220kV 甲线 6666 开关代路运行中,为处理该开关B相 CT 故障,调度员向该站下达“将 220kV 甲线 6666开关由冷备用转检修”的综合令。在操作过程中,因五防系统故障,模拟操作无法进行,需要解锁五防后进行操作。监护人在没有履行解锁操作手续的情况下,自行取出了解锁钥匙。到现场后,操作人和监护人错误地走到 666640 地刀(线路地刀)的操作位置, 在没有再次进行验电,没有核对设备编号的情况下,操作人员用解锁钥匙打开 220kV甲线666640 地刀五防锁,插入操作杆进行了操作。操作造成220kV甲线6666线路带电合上接地刀闸,导致了220kV甲线跳闸。
A.220kV一般电气误操作 B.220kV设备误动 C.220kV恶性电气误操作 D.调度误调度 [单选题]刀尖半径左补偿方向的规定是( ) 。
A.沿刀具运动方向看,工件位于刀具左侧; B.沿工件运动方向看,工件位于刀具左侧; C.沿工件运动方向看,刀具位于工件左侧; D.沿刀具运动方向看,刀具位于工件左侧 [不定项选择题]A.风池、外关
A.太溪、照海 B.厉兑、鱼际 C.列缺、照海 D.陷谷、关冲 E.肺胃实热型咽喉肿痛在基本处方的基础上再加 [单项选择]建筑工程外脚手架外侧采用的全封闭立网,其网目密度不应低于()。
A. 800目/100cm2 B. 1000目/100cm2 C. 1500目/100cm2 D. 2000目/100cm2 [判断题]推进运行时,调车指挥人指挥调车车列在经由道岔前停车,车列停妥后,调车指挥人向前方领车人员要道,呼唤;“×××,准备×道调车进路”, 还道人员应答:“准备×道调车进路,×××明白”
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]政府采购监督检查和投诉处理中对中小企业的认定,由企业所在地的中小企业主管部门负责。
A.错误 B.正确 [多选题]全线或部分区域控制方式为设备集中站本地控制时,遇下列情况行车调度员可发布调度命令变更控制方式为控制中心集中控制( )
A.区域信号设备故障无法监控联锁系统时 B.OCC 信号设备故障、通信设备故障导致无法监控联锁系统时 C.信号、线路、通信等专业维修人员进行有关行车设备维修需要时 D.有关行车设备维修完毕后,具备控制中心集中控制条件时 我来回答: 提交