Americans and Arabs are different in
their space habits. Arabs prefer close contact.Dr. Hall has explained that the
Arabs belong to a touch culture and in conversation, they always envelop the
other person. They hold his hand, look into his eyes, and bathe him in their
breath. Dr. Hall’s interest in man’s use of space developed in the early nineteen fifties when he was Director of the Point Four training program at the Foreign Service Institute. In talking with Americans who had lived overseas, he found that many of them had been highly uncomfortable because of cultural differences. Such discomfort is usually referred to as culture shock. The problem is that, relatively speaking, Americans live in a non-contact culture. Partly, this is a product of our puritan heritage (清教徒文化遗产). Dr. Hall points out that we spend ye A. People from different cultures handle space in different ways. B. Many of the Americans who had lived overseas were bothered by cultural differ-ences. C. Misunderstanding often develop between Americans and Arabs in social con-tacts. D. Dr. Hall is interested in cultural differences, especially man’s use of space. [单项选择]印鉴挂失受理前存款人使用旧印鉴签发的支票在()天内提示付款期内仍然有效。
A. 5 B. 7 C. 10 D. 30 [单项选择]地方卫生法规和卫生标准,适用于对下列哪项作出评价()
A. 无国标产品 B. 意外污染食品 C. 食物中毒样品 D. 委托检验样品 E. 监测和检验实验室的出证资格 [判断题]输送介质温度大于200℃的机泵进行冷却时,冷却水进入各冷却部位应采取串联方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于第四脑室位置的描述,正确的是
A.位于中脑、延髓和小脑之间 B.位于间脑与中脑之间 C.位于端脑与间脑之间 D.位于脑桥、延髓和小脑之间 E.是两侧丘脑和下丘脑之间的正中矢状位裂隙 [单选题]从2011年7月1日起,银行业金融机构免除以纸质方式提供( )个月内(含)本行对账单的收费(至少每年一次),部分金融消费者单独定制的特定对账单除外。
A.12 B.6 C.24 D.3 [单项选择]设森林F对应的二叉树为B,它有m个结点,B的根为p,p的右子树上的结点个数为 n,森林F中第一棵树的结点个数是
A. m-n-1 B. n+1 C. m-n D. m-n+1 [简答题]节流设备的作用是什么?
[单选题]乘务中心全年运营生产中晚点列次指标为( )列次。
A.9 B.10 C.11 D.12 . [多项选择]下列各项中,应计入营业外支出的是( )。
A. 因保管不善造成的原材料损失 B. 非货币性交易中补价产生的损失 C. 有确凿证据表明存在某金融机构的款项无法收回 D. 债务重组中发生的损失 [单选题]辩证的否定是事物发展的环节,因为辩证的否定 ( )
A. 把旧事物完全抛弃 B. 使旧事物发生量变 C. 是新事物产生、旧事物灭亡 D. 是从外部强加给事物的 [单项选择]患者男性,25岁。面部、躯干部起白斑1个月,无明显诱因。其父亲曾有同样病史。查体:面部、躯干部可见大小不等不规则的色素脱失斑,白斑周围有色素沉着。
该病的发病机制可能是 A. 遗传因素 B. 免疫功能异常 C. 神经精神因素 D.内分泌紊乱 D. 以上因素均可能参与该病的发生 [单选题]418.变压器连接组标号中d表示()。
A.高压侧星形连接 B.高压侧三角形连接 C.低压侧星形连接 D.低压侧三角形连接 [判断题]可将电动多功能钳做支撑使用。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]检修设备时断开断路器 (开关) 和隔离开关 (刀闸) 的操作能源。隔离开关 (刀闸) 操作把手不用锁住。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一个音频生命探测仪可以连接多个音频传感器,是一种具有全方位音频传感器的生命探测仪。
A.对 B.错 [单项选择]Taylor is most famous for______.
A. his application of scientific methods to work B. his book "The Principles of Scientific Management" C. his various innovations in steel processing D. the spreading of his scientific management method [单选题]哪些襟翼位置具有自动卸载功能?
A.所有襟翼设置时 B.襟翼15,30和40度时 C.襟翼30,和40 D.只有襟翼40 [判断题]发现可疑人员有违法行为时,及时通知驻站民警处理,视情况采取疏散周边乘客或车站疏散。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]保障安全生产,只需要生产经营单位主要负责人的正确决策与一般职工无关。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进站信号机的引导信号显示一个红色灯光和一个月白色灯光时,列车进站的速度不超过( )km/h,并须准备随时停车。
A.10 B.15 C.20 [填空题]回转窑燃烧器故障的后果是回转窑煅烧温度降低,( )。
[填空题]轮缘润滑喷油口喷出的为( )。
A. 物理层 B. 应用层 C. 链路层 D. 传输层 我来回答: 提交