Pushbike Peril Low speed bicycle crashes can badly injure or even kill children if they fall onto the ends of the handlebars(车把) so a team of engineers is redesigning the humble handlebar in a bid to make it safer. Kristy Arbogast, a bioengineer at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, began the project with her colleagues after a study of serious abdominal(腹部的) injuries in children in the past 30 years showed that more than a third were caused by bicycle accidents. "The task was to identify how the injuries occurred and come up with some countermeasures(对策)." she says. By interviewing the children and their parents, Arbogast and her team were able to reconstruct(重建;重构) many of the accidents and identified a common mechanism responsible for serious injures. T A. it is not easy to persuade manufacturers to adopt the new design. B. the team of engineers has not found any countermeasures. C. children like to ride bicycles at a very low speed. D. a lot of children were killed in bicycle accidents in the past 30 years. [多选题] "系统管理理论向社会提出了( )等管理新概念和新方法,因而,系统管理理论被认为是20世纪最伟大的成就之一,是人类认识史上的一次飞跃。
A.统筹兼顾 B.整体优化 C.合理组合 D.规划库存 [单项选择]《建设工程监理范围和规模标准规定》中规定建筑面积在( )的成片开发建设的住宅小区,工程必须实行监理。
A. 227平方米以上 B. 377平方米以上 C. 527平方米以上 D. 8万平方米以上 [单选题]001 5 2 3
铁路冻害地段使用的道钉有( )长四种。 A.205、230、255、288mm B.200、205、230、255mm C.205、240、235、288mm D.205、230、260、288mm [多选题]下列属于《乌鲁木齐局集团公司百日安全考核实施办法》考核范围的有( )。
A.局属生产单位 B.局直属单位 C.局机关各处部室 D.各合资铁路公司 [单选题]涵洞有满流情况,在入口处加筑抬高节成为漏斗形进口,必要时按( )进行检算
A.压力涵 B.交通涵 C.排洪涵 D.管涵 [单选题]在区间线路、站内线路、站内道岔上维修时,现场防护人员应站在维修地点附近、且睐望条件较好的地点进行防护,在天窗内作业时,显示()。
A.红牌 B.停车手信号 C.慢行牌 D.作业标 [单项选择]“三多一少”(多吃、多饮、多尿,体重减轻)是下面哪种疾病的主要症状()
A. 高血压 B. 乙肝 C. 糖尿病 D. 肺结核 [填空题]China has outlined a new approach to foreign investment, with planners saying they will now focus less on attracting large amounts of cash and more on selecting investments that will bring skills and technology into the country. The change in tactics, (36) in an official document published by the National Development and Reform Commission, comes after more than a year of (37) debate over the role foreign investors should play in China’s economy. China has long been one of the world’s top (38) for foreign investment, and international companies (39) in more than $70 billion last year, drawn by the country’s low costs, (40) prowess and huge domestic market. But the inroads have caused some unease among both ordinary people and officials, who also want to see domestic companies do well. The new foreign-in vestment plan, which isn’t a (41) blueprint but rather a statement of broad (42) , does say that regulators w
[判断题]( )根据《北京市建筑起重机械安全监督管理规定》,起重机械安装完毕后,使用单位应当组织出租.安装.监理等有关单位进行验收,或者委托具有相应资质的检验检测机构进行验收。验收前,应由具有相应资质的检验机构进行检验。验收后,填写相应的记录,由相关责任人签字。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 等离子弧焊的电弧热量可以熔透的工件深度和切割速度()。
A.成反比 B.成正比 C.没有比例关系 [单选题]“熊猫烧香” 是一种蠕虫病毒的变种,它往往是通过[ ]进入其他计算机系统,使中毒电脑的可执行文件会出现“熊猫烧香”图案。(1-50)
A.网络 B.盗版光盘 C.U盘 D.无线信号 [单选题]供排水装置检查时,复位车上水箱泵室盖板使用棘轮扳手和10mm套筒预紧盖板螺栓,然后使用扭矩扳手用()力矩紧固螺栓。
A.15N.m B.18N.m C.10N.m D.20N.m [单项选择]下列关于刑事责任年龄的说法正确的是()。
A. 已满16周岁的人犯罪,应当负刑事责任 B. 已满14周岁不满16周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害、强奸、抢劫、贩卖毒品、放火、爆炸、投毒罪的,应当负刑事责任 C. 已满14周岁不满18周岁的人犯罪,应当从轻、减轻或免除处罚 D. 因不满18周岁不予刑事处罚的,在必要的时候,可以由公安机关收容教养 [单选题]2.48. 第48题
双月抄表的居民用户,阶梯电价基数年清算月份在当年12月份。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]What action will a BGP route reflector take when it receives a prefix marked with the community attribute NO ADVERTISE from a client peer?()
A. It will advertise the prefix to all other client peers and non-client peers. B. It will not advertise the prefix to EBGP peers. C. It will only advertise the prefix to all other IBGP peers. D. It will not advertise the prefix to any peers. [不定项选择题]A.龛影
A.痉挛性切迹 B.虫蚀样充盈缺损 C.菊花样充盈缺损 D.皮革状 E.肝硬化食管静脉曲张X线钡餐检查表现的是 [多项选择]企业营销中的道德原则可以概括为()。
A. 公平竞争 B. 互利与合作 C. 优质服务 D. 营销道德原则的制度化 E. 公共关系 [判断题]牵引/制动指令值信号通过多功能车辆总线(MVB)及硬线传递给电气牵引控制单元DCU和制动控制单元BECU。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]设有接触网的线路上,严禁登上棚车、( )或机械冷藏车(含在区间登上敞车)使用人力制动机及进行其他作业。
A.JSQ车 B.家畜车 C.敞车 D.特种用途车 [单选题]贷款发放后,开户行应按农发行关于贷后管理有关规定进行监管,严格落实管理责任,固定资产贷款检查每()至少进行一次。
A.两个月 B.季度 C.一个月 D.半年 [单选题]16CP控制模块中的APP作用电磁阀得电时,其作用为( )。
A.作用风缸通大气,作用风缸减压。 B.总风缸通作用风缸通路被关断,作用风缸保压。 C.总风通作用风缸,作用风缸增压。 D.略 E.略 [判断题]温度应力式无缝线路,绝缘接头轨缝不得小于 4mm。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交