A number of researchers have examined
the variables/strategies that affect students’ learning English as a second
language. This report identifies some of the learner variables/ strategies used
by two students in a Hong Kong Technical Institute. The instruments for data
collection included observation, interviews and questionnaires. The findings are
discussed and some implications highlighted. What makes a "good" language learner "good", and what makes a "poor" language learner "poor" What does this imply for the teaching of language in the Hong Kong context These are the central questions of this assignment. The existing body of research attributes the differences between language learners to learner variables and learner strategies. Learner variables include such things as differences in personality, motivation, style, aptitud A. empirically observable B. often impossible to observe directly C. poorly defined in the research literature to date D. easier to theorize about than to carry out directly [单项选择]个人状况会影响个人投资者的投资需要,个人状况不包括()。
A. 拥有稳定工作的年轻个人投资者,其风险承受能力比较强 B. 随着年龄的增长,个人投资者的风险承受能力和风险承受意愿递增 C. 家庭负担越重,投资者越偏向于稳健的投资策略 D. 个人投资者应根据所处生命周期的不同阶段确定其应该选择的基金产品类型 [单选题]运输危险货物的车辆在一般道路上最高车速为60km/h,在高速公路上最高车速为( ) km/h,并应确认有足够的安全车间距离。
A.70 B.80 C.90 D.100 [单项选择]为说明气缸密封性,可检测气缸的().
A. 进气压力 B. 压缩压力 C. 作功压力 D. 排气压力 [单项选择]船舶管系等级的区分:不同用途的压力管系按其()和设计温度分为三级。
A. 工作压力 B. 设计压力 C. 工作温度 D. 工作环境 [多选题]在110kV及以上中性点有效接地系统中,变压器()或()与系统断开时,在高-低或中-低侧传输功率时,该侧中性点接地刀闸可靠接地。
A.高压侧 B.中压侧 C.低压侧 [填空题]对于临时用电,对于单点容量小、安装分布广、持续用电的有线电视、网络通信、交通信号灯、移动基站等用户,具备装表条件的必须(____)。
[单项选择]What problem does the woman have
[单选题]停放制动是利用专门的 使机械制动装置动作。
A.控制阀 B.电磁阀 C.继电器 D.弹簧停放装置 [单选题]患者男性,39岁,农民。以高热伴食欲明显减退、呕吐2周入院。实验室检查:WBC3.2×109/L,嗜酸细胞0,为该患者做了肥达试验,下列哪项解释是正确的
A.O效价不高、H效价增高提示与其他沙门菌间的交叉反应 B.O效价不高、H效价增高提示伤寒杆菌感染 C.CO和H效价均增高有助于伤寒的诊断 D.H效价不高、O效价增高提示是非特异性回忆反应 E.H效价不高、O效价增高提示是预防接种的结果 [名词解释]人物性格的明确性
[单项选择]We can draw from the passage that the "primitive character" within Buck refers to ______.
[单选题]下列选项中,不属于5G智慧园区信息安全标准的是( )。
A.数据安全 B.安全管理 C.系统安全 D.设备安全 [判断题]在谈判中,采购商和供应商所持立场反映他们真正的利益。
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