What’s a label worth A lot, it seems,
when it comes to towels in a New York shop. Two Harvard University researchers,
Michael Hiscox and Nicholas Smyth conducted an experiment on two sets of towels.
One lot carried a label with the logo "Fair and Square" and the following
message: These towels have been made under fair labor conditions, in a safe and healthy working environment which is free of discrimination, and where management has committed to respecting the rights and dignity of workers. The other set had no such label. Over five months, the researchers observed the impact of making various changes such as switching the label to the other set of towels and raising prices. The results were striking: not only did sales of towels increase when they carried the Fair and Square label, they carried on increasing each time t A. the difficulty for ethical consumers to identify green products B. the necessity of giving more information to ethical consumers C. the importance of making the right choice in green consumption D. the controversy of whether or not to continue green consumption [判断题]抽查结果公开期间,被检查对象对公开的抽查结果有异议的,可以向公开抽查结果的消防救援机构提出。消防救援机构应当在收到申请之日起三个工作日内组织核实。经核实确有错误的,应按规定及时更正。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在Word中,如果不用文件的"打开"对话框就能直接打开最近使用过的Word文件的方法是 。
A. 常用工具栏按扭 B. 选择【文件】,【打开】命令 C. 文件菜单中的文件列表 D. 快捷键 [不定项选择题]A.HCl-Mg粉反应
A.NaBH4反应 B.Molish反应 C.Liebermann-Burchard反应 D.Keller-Kiliani反应 E.2-去氧糖可发生的反应是 [判断题]爆破片的设计爆破压力不得大于该压力容器的设计压力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]客户信息采集需要遵循()的原则。
A. 真实性、及时性、完整性 B. 真实性、及时性、唯一性 C. 及时性、完整性、普遍性 D. 真实性、完整性、普遍性 [单选题](),只补收票款,核收手续费。
A.持有减价优待证的学生无票乘车 B.身高1.2m的侏儒持用儿童票乘车 C.持站台票上车送人,开车后30min才声明 D.应买票而未买票的儿童 [单项选择]各型休克的发生,最主要是由于()
A. 血管容积增加 B. 血容量增加 C. 心排出量减少 D. 有效循环血量减少 E. 血液回流障碍 [单项选择]省级人民政府对行政许可法规定的有关行政许可,依法决定在本行政区域内停止实施该行政许可的,事先应当报( )批准。
A. 省级人大及其常委会 B. 国务院 C. 全国人大及其常委会 D. 中共中央 [判断题]对于电阻性和感性负载来说,变压器外特性曲线是稍向下倾斜的'而且功率因数越低,下降得越慢。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]液压传动系统中,压力的大小取决于( )
A.负载 B.流量 C.流速 D.油泵 我来回答: 提交