It was Clark’s first visit to London: Underground
Railway. Against {{U}} (36) {{/U}} advice of his friends, he decided to
go there after 5 o’clock in the afternoon. This is a bad time to {{U}} (37)
{{/U}} in London, because numerous people go home from work {{U}} (38)
{{/U}} this hour. He had to join a long {{U}} (39) {{/U}} of people
who were waiting for tickets. When his turn came, he had some difficulty in
making himself {{U}} (40) {{/U}} by the man selling tickets. However, he
got the right ticket {{U}} (41) {{/U}} the end and, by asking people the
{{U}} (42) {{/U}}, he also found the right platform. It was packed fight
{{U}} (43) {{/U}} people. He did not {{U}} (44) {{/U}} to get on
the first train, but he was {{U}} (45) {{/U}} to move nearer to the edge
of the platform so a A. explained B. said C. told D. advised [单选题]三菱GX Developer PLC编程软件可以对( )PLC进行编程。
A.A系列 B.Q系列 C.FX系列 D.以上都可以 [多选题]轨道车按传动方式分,可分为( )传动式轨道车。
A.机械 B.液力 C.电力 D.内燃 [多项选择]用于保障家庭基本开支的费用一般可以选择( )等产品。
A. 半年以内定期存款 B. 货币基金 C. 七天通知存款 D. 股票 E. 银行活期存款 [单选题]1,121,441,961,1681,()。
A.2401 B.2601 C.3721 D.4961 [单选题]道口、人行过道、平过道护轨轮缘槽宽度,曲线内股应为()。
A.70~100mm B.45~60mm C.60~80mm D.90~100mm [单项选择]出租汽车驾驶员完成继续教育后,应当由出租汽车经营者向()报备。
A. 专业的培训机构 B. 所在地出租汽车行政主管部门 C. 当地交通管理部门 D. 省级出租汽车行政主管部门 [单选题]润滑油化学变质的主要原因是( )。
A.氧化 B.酸值增加 C.添加剂分解 [单项选择]多媒体网络对带宽的要求较高,一方面因为数据量大,另一方面,为了确保用户与网络之间交互的()。
A. 简单性 B. 实时性 C. 易用性 D. 真实性 [单选题] ( )人员在协助维护社会治安工作中已成为一支重要的社会安全防范力量。
A. 物业服务 B. 社会管理 C. 保安 D. 公安 [多选题]根据我国《刑法》的规定,下列情形中构成累犯的是( )。
A.甲犯过失致人重伤罪被判有期徒刑,刑罚执行完毕后第4年又犯强奸罪 B.乙犯间谍罪被判有期徒刑,刑罚执行完毕后第2年又犯抢劫罪 C.丙犯交通肇事罪被判有期徒刑,刑罚执行完毕后第3年又犯故意杀人罪 D.丁犯故意伤害罪被判有期徒刑10年,执行6年后获得假释,假释后的第7年又犯绑架罪 [判断题]已经退休的消防救援人员退休前或者退休后有违法违纪行为的,不再给予处分。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电话记录号码编号办法,由《车站行车工作细则》规定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]搅拌机在异常情况下需随时调整搅拌机的进水量和进灰量,灰量大时应增加水量,灰量小时应减少水量。()
A. 已知各组职工工资水平和各组职工人数,求平均工资 B. 已知各组职工工资水平和各组工资总额,求平均工资 C. 已知各组计划完成百分数和各组计划产值,求平均计划完成百分数 D. 已知各组计划完成百分数和各组实际产值,求平均计划完成百分数 E. 已知各组职工的劳动生产率和各组职工人数,求平均劳动生产率 [判断题]路径有绝对路径和相对路径两种
[单选题]无缝道岔更换后与相邻单元轨节间的锁定轨温差不应大于( )℃。
A.3 B.5 C.10 D.15 [单选题]列车司机在地下区间运行中,发现( )情况时,应果断停车。
A.车门指示灯突亮 B.车内乘客突发疾病 C.有乘客紧急呼叫 D.影响行车的障碍物 [判断题] ()活塞由一个止点移动到另一个止点的过程称为冲程。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] During the 1980s, unemployment (失业人数) and underemployment (不充分就业) in some countries was so high as 90 per cent. Some countries did not 【B1】 enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing were not 【B2】 . Many of these countries looked 【B3】 the industrial processes of the developed nations for solution.
【B4】 , problems cannot always be solved by 【B5】 the industrialized nations. Industry in the developed nations is highly automated and very 【B6】 . It provides fewer jobs than labor-intensive industrial 【B7】 , and highly skilled workers are needed to 【B8】 and repair the equipment. These workers must be trained, 【B9】 many nations do not have the necessary training institutions. Thus, the 【B10】 of importing industry becomes higher. Students must be sent abroad to receive vocational and 【B11】 training. 【B12】 , just to begin training, the students must 【B13】 learn English, French, Germans, or Japanese. The students then spend many years abroad, and 【B14】
A. B.vague C.uncovered D.hidden [单项选择]某企业处置一项固定资产收回的价款为80万元,该资产原价为100万元,已计提折旧60万元,计提减值准备5万元,处置发生清理费用5万元,不考虑其他因素,处置该资产对当期利润总额的影响金额为()万元。
A. 40 B. 80 C. 50 D. 35 [填空题]在维修天窗的基础上,铁路局可根据列车开行情况,临时安排( )天窗,用于设备检查。
A. 乌梅丸 B. 消风散 C. 桑菊饮 D. 二陈汤 E. 大补阴丸 [单项选择]对出现水肿的心衰病人进行皮肤护理,是因为病人容易发生( )。
A. 褥疮 B. 皮肤瘙痒 C. 皮肤感染 D. 水电失衡 E. 局部血管痉挛 [单选题]逾期不交或未交清电费,即为拖欠电费。对逾期超过( )日,经催交仍未交付电费的客户,可依法按规定的程序停电或限电。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.60 [单项选择]拉力试验包括()指标。
A. 屈服点、抗拉强度 B. 抗拉强度和伸长率 C. 屈服点、抗拉强度、伸长率 D. 冷拉、冷拔、冷轧、调直 [多选题] 下列哪些案件不得适用当场处罚程序?()
A. 卖淫、嫖娼案件 B. 赌博案件 C. 出售淫秽物品案件 D. 引诱、容留、介绍卖淫 [单项选择]What is the author's attitude towards the environmental effects of pesticides
A. Pessimistic. B. Indifferent. C. Defensive. D. Concerned. [单项选择]装配中键和健槽,其工作面应贴合紧密,接触均匀,非工作面应()
A. 按规定留有间隙 B. 也应紧贴 C. 中间加垫 [填空题]The productions manufactured by Asahi Chemical, Japan’s largest poly styrene manufacturer take up______of the market
A. A.12% B.25% C.26.6% [单项选择]塑造了俄国文学史上第一个“小人物”形象的作家是()。
A. 普希金 B. 果戈理 C. 莱门托夫 D. 别林斯基 我来回答: 提交