The earth is witnessing an urban
revolution, as people worldwide crowd into towns and cities. In 1800 only
five percent of the world’s population were urban dwellers; now the proportion
has risen to more than forty-five percent, and by the year 2010 more people will
live in towns and cities than in the countryside. Humanity will, for the first
time, have become a predominantly urban species. Though the world is getting more crowded by the day, absolute numbers of population are less important than where people concentrate and whether these areas can cope with them. Even densities, however, tell us nothing about the quality of the infrastructure’-roads, housing and job creation, for example--or the availability of crucial services. The main question, then, is not how many people there are in a given area, but how well their A. live in Mexico and Sao Paulo B. are undernourished and iii C. live in inadequate housing D. arrived last year [判断题]当割炬型号为GO1-30,割嘴号码为3,切割厚度为20一30m,时,则氧气压力为0. 3MPa,( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下哪些人物属于“自然神论”者()
A.狄多罗 B.伏尔泰 C.卢梭 D.孟德斯鸠 E.拉·美特利 [简答题]刻舟求剑这个故事出于哪部古籍?
[单选题]按《湖南省住宅工程质量通病防治技术规程》(DBJ 43/T 306-2014)外墙抹灰面层应设置分格缝,分格缝间距不大于( )。
A.3m B.4m C.5m D.6m [判断题]甲醇精馏系统长期计划停车处理时,先退液,后停车。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《混凝土物理力学性能试验方法标准》GB/T50081-2019 规定,混凝土力学性能试验中,关于试件的标准养护说法正确的是 。( )
A.试件成型抹面后应立即用塑料薄膜覆盖表面,或采取其他保持试件表面湿度的方法; B.试件成型后应在温度为 20℃±5℃、相对湿度大于 50%的室内静置 1d~2d,静置后编号标记、拆模; C.试件拆模后应立即放入温度为 20℃±1℃、相对湿度为 90%以上的标准养护室中养护; D.标准养护室的试件应放在支架上,彼此间隔 10mm~20mm,试件表面应保持潮湿。 [简答题]傅雷的性格,最突出的是他的刚直。在青年时候,他的刚直还近于狂妄。所以孔子说:“好刚不好学,其蔽也狂。傅雷从昆明回来以后,在艺术的涵养,知识学问的累积之后,他才成为具有浩然之气的儒家之刚者,这种刚直的品德,在任何社会中,都是难得见到的,连孔子也说过:“吾未见刚者。”这段话中运用了什么材料作论据?有何作用?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]国家对在改善安全生产条件、防止生产安全事故、参加抢险救护等方面取得显著成绩的单位给予奖励;个人给予鼓励。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]集团从内部看,2020年( )大核心产业都面临较大下行压力,发展的不确定因素进一步增多,遇到的困难挑战将进一步加大。
A.二 B.三 C.四 D.五 [多选题]根据《国家电网有限公司供电服务建设管理办法》规定,供电服务建设管理必须坚持( )的原则。
A.. 以人民为中心 B.. 以问题为导向 C.. 管业务必须管服务 D.. 管服务必须管安全 我来回答: 提交