When two hands meet, we pass on something of ourselves. After (1) to Mark Twain, Helen—who was both deaf and blind—commented, "I can feel the twinkle of his eye (2) his handshake." In some indefinable way, Twain had (3) his charm to Keller.
And that’s probably been true of the handshake all the (4) back to its earliest days, — (5) no one can tell its actual(6) . A common explanation is that (7) early man encountered a stranger, he (8) out his hand to show he had no weapon. From this, supposedly, (9) the handshake.
Not so, says historian Brian Burke. He believes, the handshake (10) "putting your blood behind your breath." He explains that ancient people (11) the spoken word alone, and they used the handclasp to signify that their (12) was backed up by the (13) of their heart—i, e. , their blood. (14) , the handshake suggested trust.
That (15) of trust has survived to this day. People in business
A. clapped
B. grasped
C. received
D. pulled
1996年4月,中国A公司(买方)与某外国B公司签冷轧卷板购销合同,该批冷轧卷板将用于生产电冰箱、空调器等夏季适销产品。合同约定:B公司应在1996年6月底前交货,付款方式为信用证方式。合同签订后,A公司依合同规定开立了受益人为B公司的信用证。B公司也多次书面承诺按期交货。但直到l996年6月30日,A公司仍未收到B公司的任何关于货物已装船或延期装船的通知。7月3日,B公司向A公司发来传真,称原订货轮因故延至7月15日才能开航,所以无法保证按规定的时间交货,要求A公司将信用证装船期延至7月15日,有效期延至7月31日,并要求A公司须于7月4日回复其传真。A公司于7月4日答复B公司,告知B公司修改信用证的条件是B公司将价格下调10%,否则将宣告解除合同。但B公司没同意A公司的要求,并要求A公司答复接受其延缓信用证期限的请求,否则将货物出售给别的客户,A公司遂于7月5日正式函告B公司,终止合同并提出索赔。 请问:
The simplest way of putting an idea down on paper is to draw a picture. That was (61) men first began to write, six thousand years ago or more. All (62) scripts (文字) have been developed from picture-writing of (63) sort. The English alphabet we now use (64) to us over a long period of time from the (65) of ancient Egypt.
Picture-writing, called hieroglyphics (象形文字), could be used to express (66) as well as objects. (67) , a drawing of a man would (68) the object "man", while (69) of a man lying on the ground (70) a spear in him would mean the idea "death". Later, some drawings came to stand for sounds as well. (71) in Egyptian hieroglyphics the (72) of a house stood (73) for the object "house" and for the sound "pr", (74) in spoken Egyptian meant "house".
(75) the Egyptians, the Chinese and the American Indians
A. art
B. picture-writing
C. buildings
D. picture-drawing
Passage 4 In her 26 years of teaching English, Shannon McGuire has seen countless misplaced commas, misspelled words and sentence fragments. But the instructor at US’s Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge said her job is getting harder every day. "I kid you not, the number of errors that I’ve seen in the past few years have multiplied five times," she said. Experts say email and instant messaging are at least partly to blame for an increasing indifference toward the rules of grammar, spelling and sentence structure. They say the problem is most noticeable in college students and recently graduates. "They used to at least feel guilty (about mistakes)," said Naomi Baron, professor of linguistics at American University in Washington, D. C. "They didn’t necessarily write a little better, but at least they felt guilty." Ironicall A. Computer Science. B. Linguistics. C. Editing and Publishing. D. Family and Consumer Sciences. [多选题]钢管跨越架所使用的钢管,如出现()等情况不得使用。
A.弯曲严重 B.磕瘪变形 C.表面有锈迹 D.裂纹或脱焊 E.略 F.略 [单选题]所有铁路职工遇到桥梁墩台倾斜时,必须立即拦停列车,做到“()”。
A.七必封 B.三必限 C.七必拦 D.监视运行 [单项选择]According to the passage, the words "hold more" (Line2, Para. 1 ) most probably mean______.
A. keep more in the store B. give more rights C. keep more interested D. maintain more chances 我来回答: 提交