{{B}}TV Shows and Long Bus Trips{{/B}} Long bus rides are like television shows. They have a beginning, a middle, and an end - with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable. They happen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window. "Buy Super Clean Toothpaste." "Drink Good’n Wet Root Beer." "Fill up with Pacific Gas." Only if you sleep, which is equal to turning the television set off, are you spared the unending cry of "You Need It! Buy It Now! " The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting, even if you’ve traveled that way before. Usually some things have changed - new houses, new buildings, sometimes even a new road. The bus driver has a style of driving and it’s fun to t A. To talk about the similarities between long bus trips and TV shows. B. To persuade you to take a long bus trip. C. To display the differences between long bus trips and TV shows. D. To describe the billboards along the road. [单项选择]防治脑外伤颅压高及脑水肿的药物不包括()
A. 激素 B. 巴比妥 C. 苯妥英钠 D. 血清白蛋白 E. 高渗利尿药物 [简答题]根据给定资料,概括选聘优秀高校毕业生到农村任职的主要内容。
要求:全面、准确、简洁,300字左右。 [单选题]中央经济工作会议2017年12月18日至20日在北京举行,会议指出,5年来,我们坚持观大势、谋全局、干实事,成功驾驭了我国经济发展大局,在实践中形成了以新发展理念为主要内容的()。C
A.中国特色社会主义政治经济学 B.新时代中国特色社会主义思想 C.新时代中国特色社会主义经济思想 D.政治经济学 [单选题] 在电力专用通信网尚不能满足电网调控通信业务的情况下,可以采用租用营运商的通信电路作为传输通道,但继电保护、安全自动装置、稳定控制系统(装置)等业务,应采用电力专用( )传输。
A.通信通道 B.通信电路 C.传输通道 D.光纤通道 [判断题]在进行有电静态作业时,不需要对CCOV blue数据版本进行检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]中国联通将要运营的WCDMA全球发展情况如何?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]钻床是用于孔加工的一种机械设备,它的规格用可加工孔的最大直径表示,其品种、规格颇多。其中最常用是立式钻床(立钻)。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]商户终端机具受理程序必须是省联社下发的标准版本,不得在受理机具中私自加装其它程序。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]学校周边()米内不得新建公共停车场。
A. 500 B. 600 C. 700 D. 800 [多项选择]邻居家有一对儿女,儿子彬彬14岁,初中二年级;女儿茉莉11岁,小学五年级。现实生活当中的故事仿佛电视剧《家有儿女》一般,父母遇到了许多待解答的问题……一天清晨,彬彬大惊失色向母亲求助,说是自己“小便流脓”了,非常恐慌。妈妈非常不耐烦:“连这种事情都来问我,去问你爸爸!”他又去问爸爸,爸爸却骂他没出息。可怜的孩子最终也没弄明白是怎么回事。请问应该如何给与彬彬正确解释?()
A. 这是首次遗精现象 B. 男孩青春期正常生理现象 C. 男性性成熟的标志 D. 精满自溢 [判断题]129.实际生产中应选择活性适中的自由基来引发和完成自由基聚合反应。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]I am Steve. I was born and grew up in South Wales. My favorite place to play was out on the hills where my imagination had plenty of space to expand.
My family moved out of Wales when I was thirteen. I went to a new school. One of my subjects was French. Because I had never learned any French, my teacher told me to sit in the corner and write anything I was interested in. That’s the time I started writing, just for myself, and I’ve been writing ever since. I have always loved BIG IDEAS, and so I enjoy writing fantastic stories. And I also write horror stories. I think they are like the old fairy tales, and can teach you important things. I am in my forties on the outside, twelve on the inside. I like rock music, Indian and Chinese food, and I enjoy drinking. I live in a small village with my wife Mary, ducks, cats, oats, hens and lots of rabbits. If you’d like to find out more about me and hope to buy my books, go to www.sbowkett.freeserve.co.uk. When he was 13, the w A. wrote lots of poems B. moved out of Wales C. sold many story books D. became a famous singer [单项选择]2007年9月,我国正式成立国家预防腐败局,负责全国预防腐败工作的组织协调、综合规划、政策制定和检查指导等重要工作。这一举措旨在加强行政监督体系中的( )。
A. 国家司法机关监督 B. 行政系统外部监督 C. 行政系统内部监督 D. 国家权力机关监督 [单项选择]给新生儿用药的最适宜给药方式是()
A. 口服给药 B. 经皮吸收 C. 静脉给药 D. 直肠给药 E. 肌内或皮下注射 [填空题]We have been informed the(equip) __________ will be arriving here in ten days.
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