I can still remember my first day at
school, I was only 6 years old at that time. It was a very big room I sat at the
desk near the window, but I couldn’t see anything outside because the window was
too high. There was a big map of the world on the wall and an old blackboard. I
’don’t think I was worried or afraid at that time. There was another little boy
next to me. He sat there and kept silent at first. Then he began to cry, he
cause he didn’t want to stay there. More and more students came in, but the boy didn’t stop crying. "Mom, I want to go home. He cried again and again. Later, the teacher came in. She went to the little boy, and said something to him I couldn’t hear what she said. Soon the boy stopped crying and began to smile To this day, I sti [单选题]正常情况下两侧胸膜腔
A.借呼吸道与外界相通 B.借肺根互相连通 C.压力与外界相同 D.互不相通 E.分别与腹膜腔相通 [判断题]寒冷的冬季,发动机冷却系统应加注防冻液
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]建设工程索赔成立的前提条件有( )。
A.与合同对照,事件已造成了承包人工程项目成本的额外支出或直接工期损失 B.造成费用增加或工期损失的原因,按合同约定不属于承包人的行为责任或风险责任 C.造成费用增加或工期损失额度巨大,超出了正常的承受范围 D.索赔费用计算正确,并且容易分析 E.承包人按合同规定的程序和时间提交了索赔意向通知和索赔报告 [单选题]下列集中业务系统操作职能不属于分行作业中心的是( )。
A.人工验印和人工复验印 B.提回业务发起 C.汇兑来账退汇 D.汇兑来账入账和宕账 [单选题]下列哪项不是申请工伤认定所需要提交的材料()。
A.工伤认定申请表 B.与用人单位存在劳动关系的证明材料 C.医疗诊断证明或者职业病诊断证明书 D.职工户籍证明 [单项选择]以下既可用于治疗也可用于诊断的核素是()。
A. 131I B. 99mTc C. 32P D. 211Att E. 90Y [判断题]不同的固体介质,弹性模量越大,密度越大,则声速越大。
A. 年活产数 B. 某年平均人口数 C. 某年中0岁组人口数 D. 某年末0岁组人口数 E. 某年未满1周岁婴儿数 [单选题]工作场所的照明,应该保证足够的(),夜间作业应有充足的照明。
A.功率 B.亮度 C.照明时间 D.数量 [单项选择]You can't take her promises______; she never keeps her word.
A. severely B. solemnly C. strictly D. seriously [判断题]在缺货时,发现货物残损或短少时,不须向卸货口岸或到达站检验检疫机构报检,而是向其他机构告之。( )
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