{{B}}The Top 10 Cars that Americans Hate{{/B}} Times are so difficult for the auto industry that even Toyota and Honda have now experienced the kinds of double-digit sales dips that have been with American auto giants General Motors and Ford all year. Sales for the entire industry were down 25.6 percent collectively in September as consumers grew nervous about making big-ticket purchases. In good economic times and bad alike, however, there are some vehicles that American consumers seem to hate outright. And they’re not just the big SUVs that are currently out of favor. It turns out, the ears American consumers hate the most come in many different shapes and sizes, and they’re disliked for a wide array of reasons. "Buyers make the same choices and buy the safe brand," says Jessica Caldwell, man A. instant hits with consumers B. not high-quality cars C. not necessarily sold better D. not better than lower quality ratings [单选题]单梯的横档应嵌在支柱上,并在距梯顶()处设限高标志。
A.1m B.1.2m C.1.5m D.1.8m E./ F./ [判断题]物联网就是物物互联的无所不在的网络,因此物联网是空中楼阁,是目前很难实现的技术。
[单选题]处置危险化学品易燃可燃物泄漏、着火、爆炸事故类型中如遇到小规模泄漏(固体扩散或液体呈点滴状、细流式泄漏)处置安全距离为( )米。
A.100米 B.200米 C.300米 D.400米 [单选题]接车进路是指由( )起至接车线末端计算该线路有效长度的警冲标或出站信号机为止的一段线路,延续进路为接车进路的一部分。
A.进站信号机 B.出站信号机 C.接车进路信号机 D.发车进路信号机 [单项选择]出自《备急千金要方》的是
A. “天覆地载,万物悉备,莫贵于人” B. “人命至重,有贵干金,一方济之,德逾与此” C. “欲救人而学医则可,欲谋私利而学医则不可” D. “仁者,爱人” E. “无伤者,是乃仁术” [单项选择]110kV线路跨越公路时对路面的最小垂直距离是()。
A. 9.0m B. 8.0m C. 7.5m D. 7.0m [单选题]客户沟通的内容主要是信息沟通、情感沟通、理念沟通、意见沟通,有时还要有__
A.A政策沟通; B.B方法沟通; C.C言语沟通; D.D线下沟通 [单选题] 进行N2气密时,苯塔合适的气密压力是( )。
A.0.1MPa B.0.2MPa C.0.4MPa D.0.5MPa [判断题]对如存在违规操作、串通、谋求不正当利益,或存在其他违反廉洁从业要求以及其他管理不力、失职失责行为的,依据现行《中共中国移动黑龙江公司党委问责工作管理办法》、《中国移动黑龙江公司员工违纪违规处理条例》对直接责任人和直接领导进行追责
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交