Amphibious vehicles, those that can
move on both land and water, have been in use for a number of years, but while
most of them were fairly fast on land, they moved quite slowly when they were
functioning as boats. The only truly amphibious vehicle that can move with equal
ease on both land and water is the hovercraft (气垫船). The hovercraft is the
invention of an electronics engineer named Christopher Cockerell. Cockerell’s
hobby was sailing and he was interested in the problem of reducing the friction
of water on the body of a boat, and hit on the idea of designing a boat which
would travel on a cushion of air. The air cushion under a hovercraft is produced by a large fan which blows air downwards between the craft and the water or ground, and so lifts up the craft. The air is main-rained at higher than atmospheric pressure b A. The hovercraft can travel with ease because there is no contact between the craft and surface below. B. The sidewall ACV will travel faster than the Sedam N500. C. A new Mountbatten Class hovercraft can carry more passengers than the Sedam N500. D. It takes about a half hour to travel between Britain and France by a new Mountbatten Class hovercraft. [简答题] In order to (47)______ unemployment and why it happens, economists often split unemployment into the following four types.
Demand-deficient unemployment (48)______ when there is not enough demand to employ all those who want to work. It is also often known as cyclical unemployment because it will vary with the trade cycle. When the economy is (49)______, there will be lots of demand and so firms will be employing large numbers of workers. Demand-deficient unemployment will at this stage of the cycle be fairly low. If the economy slows down, then firms will begin to (50)______ workers off as they do not need to produce so much. Demand-deficient unemployment rises.
Seasonal unemployment is fairly self (51)______. Father Christmas tends to only be in demand for a short period of the year, and the rest of the year would certainly be (52)______ as seasonally unemployed. Most other seasonal unemployment is less (53)______ than this, and tends to occur in certain industries, suc
[单选题]工件焊后一般都会产生变形,如果变形量超过( )值,就会影响使用。( 中 )
A.标准 B.一定 C.允许 D.误差 [单项选择]每一个人在社会中都扮演着不同的角色.每一种角色都意味着一种责任。下列说法不正确的是()
A. 作为子女,应承担体贴孝敬父母的责任 B. 作为朋友,应做到理解宽容、真诚相待 C. 完成规定的学习任务是学生的主要义务 D. 只要对他人负责,不要对自己负责 [单选题]图中所示警告标志的含义是:( )
A.前方正在下雪 B.注意路面结冰 C.注意雨雪天气 [单选题]我国通常采用的交流电的波形是正弦波,其频率是(____)Hz。
A.60 B.55 C.50 D.45 [判断题]半导体功率管大小以1W为界限。
[单项选择]The main purpose of the passage is to ______.
[单选题]GDLNG 合理控制进入工厂的车辆的主要目的是()现场在同一时间占据道路的车辆的().
A.增加、数量 B.减少、时间 C.保持、数量 D.减少、数量 [单项选择]不属于构建安全生产预警的原则的是______原则。
A. 预测性原则 B. 及时性原则 C. 高效性原则 D. 引导性原则 [简答题]终端维护中应注意哪些问题?
A. 确保国家长治久安 B. 确保社会稳定 C. 实现世界和平 D. 实现国泰民安 [判断题]只要能够进入账务系统的操作员都有权进行账簿查询和对账操作。
[单选题]转K4型转向架摇枕弹簧内圈外径是( )。
A. ∮108mm B. ∮88nun C. ∮148mm D. ∮96mm [单项选择]生产经营单位发生重大生产安全事故时,( )应当立即组织抢救,并不得在事故调查处理期间擅离职守。
A. 单位生产管理人员 B. 单位的主要负责人 C. 事故现场有关人员 D. 安全生产监督人员 [多选题]各类作业人员应被告知其作业现场和工作岗位()。
A.存在的危险因素 B.反事故措施 C.防范措施 D.事故紧急处理措施 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交