Inflation Business and government leaders also consider the inflation rate to be an important general indicator. Inflation is a period of increased spending that causes rapid rises in prices. {{U}} (51) {{/U}} your money buys fewer goods so that you get {{U}} (52) {{/U}} for the same amount of money as before, inflation is the problem. There is a general rise {{U}} (53) {{/U}} the price of goods and services. Your money buys less. Sometimes people describe inflation as a time when "a dollar is not worth a dollar anymore". Inflation is a problem for all consumers. People who live on a fixed income are hurt the {{U}} (54) {{/U}}. Retired people, for instance, cannot count on an increase in income as prices rise. Elderly people who do not work face serious pr A. much B. little C. more D. less [单选题]单人做胸外心脏按压与人工呼吸次数的比例是() ? ( 1.0 分)
A.2:1 B.30:2 C.5:1 D.4:1 [单项选择]社会主义精神文明建设包括()。
A. 个人文明与社会文明两个方面 B. 思想道德和个人素质 C. 教育科学文化和个人素质两个方面 D. 思想道德和科学文化两个方面 [单项选择]在售后维修管理信息系统的设计阶段,开发人员设计数据存储具体方案、设计各个模块算法等工作成为()。
A. 详细设计 B. 编码 C. 概要设计 D. 数据可设计 [单选题]在起重过程中,起重物尚未垫妥架稳前,操纵人员不得离开岗位,身体()不得
A.脚 B.头 C.手 D.任何部位 [多项选择]下列说法中,正确的有( )。
A. 现代企业财务决策包括筹资决策、投资决策、生产经营决策和利润分配决策等。这些决策都直接或间接地受税收因素的影响 B. 税务管理作为企业理财的一个重要领域,围绕资本运动展开,目的是实现纳税最小化 C. 税务管理的目标是规范企业纳税行为、降低税收支出,防范纳税风险 D. 企业开展税务管理必须遵守国家的各项法律、法规及规章制度等 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001—2015)第5.2.2.5条规定:作业人员在( )应被告知作业现场和工作岗位存在的危险因素、防范措施及应急措施。
A.作业后 B.作业时 C.作业前 D.作业中 [单选题]《中国人民银行关于加强银行业金融机构人民币同业银行结算账户管理的通知》中,存款银行分支机构在开户银行(其他银行)开立同业银行结算账户应当获得本银行一级法人的内部书面授权。存款银行一级法人应当以( )形式进行授权,明确分支机构开立同业银行结算账户的开户银行、账户名称、用途以及经办人员等。
A.正式发文 B.书面 C.法人授权 D.口头授权 [单选题]( )刮板输送机带负载试运转时,如果在机头驱动链轮下面刮板链的下垂超过______个链环时,必须再进行紧链。
A.3 B.2 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]Which of the following dress is proper at an interview, according to Mrs Miller
A. A low-cut dress with miniskirt. B. A casual T-shirt and worn-out jeans. C. A punk-style haircut with baggy trousers. D. A plain and dull gray suit. [多选题]旅客因( )或坐过了站需要送回时,列车长应编制客运记录交前方停车站。
A.误售 B.误购 C.误乘 D.漏乘 [单选题]电气绝缘节电气分隔接头的()要好,界限必须分明,隔离区段的长度应尽量短。
A.A、电离性 B.B、隔离性 C.C、电离层 D.D、离子性 [单选题]在未办理( )手续以前,任何人不得将停电设备合闸送电。
A. 工作票结束 B. 工作票终结 C. 工作结束 D. 工作间断 [单选题]检修发电机时,在发电机和断路器间或发电机定子三相出口处(引出线)验明无电压后,装设( )。
A.接地并接零 B.接地线 C.接零 D.导线 [单选题]重介质分选精度最高即Ep值最小的分选方法应用于( )和相对难选煤分选。
A.选煤 B.煤泥 C.难选 D.重介选煤 [单项选择]Is there something as truth For a good many centuries "the search for truth" has been (31) the noblest activity of the human mind, but the seekers after truth have come to such (32) conclusions that it often seems that very little progress has been made. (33) ,there are many people who reel that we are actually going backward. They (34) ; often contemptuously, that we have accumulated more "knowledge" than our ancestors, but they think we are farther from the truth than ever, or even that we have (35) the truth that we once possessed.
If people look for anything long enough without finding it, the question naturally arises (36) the thing is really there to find. You have seen a picture of an animal with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail—and maybe an eagle’s wings for good (37) There is plenty of evidence that each part of this animal (38) --but there is no (39) evidence that the parts e A. measure B. luck C. reason D. sense [单选题]需要高压设备全部停电、部分停电或做安全措施的工作应填用( )。
A.第一种工作票 B.第二种工作票 C.施工作业票A D.施工作业票B [单选题]根据某个体育教学内容,按照某种教学模式体制安排各个课次的教学文件属于( )
A.学年教学计划 B.单元教学计划 C.学期教学计划 D.学时教学计划 [多选题](467060)下列说法正确的是( )。(1.0分)
A.在酸性或碱性稀溶液中,H+和OH-浓度的乘积总是一个常数为1×10-14 B.在中性溶液里H+和OH-浓度相等为1×10-7 C.在酸性溶液里没有OH- D.在碱性溶液中OH-浓度比H+大 我来回答: 提交