Individualism, independence, and
self-reliance are perhaps the most distinctive American characteristic. American
"individualism" is {{U}} (26) {{/U}} a good thing, it does not mean being
{{U}} (27) {{/U}}, each person is expected to make {{U}} (28)
{{/U}} for himself or herself about all aspects of life {{U}} (29)
{{/U}}, career, and home. The nuclear family (mother, father, and children)
is an important aspect of American society. {{U}} (30) {{/U}} usually has
much less influence on the behavior of any individual in it {{U}} (31)
{{/U}} it generally true in china. Children are {{U}} (32) {{/U}}
from an early age to be self-reliant taking care of their clothes and bedrooms,
perhaps helping to cook and {{U}} (33) {{/U}} and to begin thinking for
themselves and even learning to manage their own money. Parents provide advice
and assistance A. A.For B.With C.In D.By [单项选择]下列说法中,不是项目建议书与可行性研究报告的区别的是()
A. 研究任务不同 B. 基础资料和依据不同 C. 内容繁简和深浅程度不同采集者退散 D. 服务的对象不同 [判断题]远程费控智能电能表不支持初始化功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在稀溶液凝固点降低公式△Tf=kf·m中,m所代表的是溶液中()。
A. 溶质的质量摩尔浓度 B. 溶质的摩尔分数 C. 溶剂的摩尔分数 D. 溶质的体积摩尔浓度 [单选题]( )不是钢桥的特点。
A.钢桥具有很高的抗压、抗拉、抗剪强度 B.钢桥容易锈蚀,维修费用较高 C.钢桥造价低廉,多用于小跨度桥梁 D.列车过桥时,列车的噪声较大 [单选题]在其他条件相同的情况下,下列哪个地段的隧洞围岩相对最稳定?
A.隧洞的洞口地段 B.隧洞的弯段 C.隧洞的平直洞段 D.隧洞交叉洞段 [单选题]根据我国现行合同条款,在合同履,过程中,承包人发现有变更情况的,可向监 理人提出( )
A.变更指示 B.变更意向书 C.变更建议书 D.变更报价书 我来回答: 提交