More than any other industry, the
luxury-goods business needs people to feel good about spending money. So at a
recent conference in Moscow, Bernard Arnault, the head of Moet Hennessy Louis
Vuitton (LVMH), the world’s biggest luxury-goods group, went to great lengths to
dismiss investors’ fears about the impact on the industry of America’s credit
crisis, a possible recession and the weak dollar. Indeed, Mr. Arnault said he
expects the industry’s sales almost to double in the next five years, thanks to
strong demand from emerging markets and the creation of new wealth across the
globe. After a depressing period at the beginning of the decade when the terrorist attacks in America, the outbreak of SARS and the war in Iraq reduced international travel and people’s appetite for frivolous things, the industry has had three excellent years A. The elitism and craftsmanship associated with products manufactured in Europe are the most attractive aspects for many customers. B. European governments do not allow such shift due to the consideration of unemployment. C. Companies fear that such shift would decrease the quality of the goods, although cost can be cut. D. China and Vietnam are not ready to be production places of luxury goods, in terms of craftsmanship, expertise and investment. [单选题]A-B-C-A-015 3 2 5
DWL-48捣固稳定车前夹轮与钢轨头下颚之间保持( )间隙。 A.1-5mm B.3-5mm C.5-8mm D.5-10mm [单项选择]一侧枕叶皮层接受视网膜的哪侧传入纤维的投射()。
A. 同侧眼 B. 对侧眼 C. 双眼全部 D. 同侧眼颞侧和对侧眼鼻侧 [单选题]胃肠燥热,津液不足,大便干燥,小便频数者,治疗宜用( )。
A.济川煎 B.增液汤 C.新加黄龙汤 D.增液承气汤 E.麻子仁丸 [单选题]侦察线路长、转弯多易造成方向迷失时,要携带安全绳,铺设( ),并设置中间保护点。。
A.救生照明线 B.安全绳 C.水带 [单选题]下列用于采集信息的是( )
A.A、采集板 B.B、驱动板 C.C、CPU板 D.D、通信板 [填空题]对规章的解释由法规司参照规章草案审查程序会商有关司局提出意见,报请质检总局批准后以()对外公布。
[判断题]离合器打滑表现是当汽车起步时,完全放松离合器踏板,发动机动力不能完全传至变 速器主动轴,使汽车动力下降, 起步困难。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列各项属于制作排列图的步骤的有( )。
A.根据对质量特性影响的重要程度,将认为对质量特性有显著影响的重要因素标出来 B.确定所要调查的问题以及如何收集数据 C.设计一张数据记录表 D.制作排列图用数据表 E.在图上记入有关必要事项 [简答题]2009年1月2日M公司发行5年期债券一批,面值20 000 000元,票面利率4%,利息于每年的7月1日、1月1日分期支付,到期一次还本。该批债券实际发行价为15 366 680元(不考虑发行费用),债券折价采用实际利率法分摊,债券发行时的实际利率为5%。公司于每年的6月末、12月末计提利息,同时分摊折价款。
A.脉微 B.舌胖 C.肢冷 D.面色苍白 E.汗出 [多项选择]某会计师事务所为某公司出具的验资报告不实,给公司债权人造成损失,回答以下问题:
该会计师事务所对债权人承担的责任是( )
A. 不承担责任 B. 承担过错推定责任 C. 承担无过错责任 D. 承担绝对责任 [多选题](467072)下列说法正确的是( )。(1.0分)
A.乙二酸比其它二元酸酸性都强,这是因为两个羧基直接相连 B.乙二酸俗名草酸 C.乙二酸可作还原剂用以标定高锰酸钾溶液 D.乙二酸可用作草制品的漂白剂 [单选题](899298)油温必须高于( ) ℃才可启动冰机。(1.0分)
A.20 B.25 C.30 D.40 我来回答: 提交