Researchers have studied the poor as
individuals, as families and households, as members of poor communities,
neighborhoods and regions, as products of larger poverty-creating structures.
They have been analyzed as victims of crime and criminals, as members of
minority cultures, as passive consumers of mass culture and active producers of
a "counterculture", as an economic burden and as a reserve army of labor—to
mention just some of the preoccupations of poverty research. The elites, who occupy the small upper stratum within the category of the non-poor, and their functions in the emergence and reproduction of poverty are as interesting and important an object for poverty research as the poor themselves. The elites have images of the poor and of poverty which shape their decisions and actions. So far, little is known about those A. analyzing a problem B. providing a solution C. defining a situation D. outlining a proposal [判断题]公司安全费用可用于安全设施及特种设备检测检验支出。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列供应女性生殖器的血管哪条是髂内动脉的分支
A. 子宫动脉 B. 卵巢动脉 C. 阴部内动脉 D. 阴道动脉 E. 阴部外动脉 [单项选择]SS3电力机车车休采用的是框架式()结构形式。
A. 整体承载 B. 自由承载 C. 侧壁承载 D. 独立承载 [单选题] "AFC抢险队负责AFC专业的抢险救援工作,原则上抢险队长由事发线路 ( )担任。
A.AFC工班长 B.AFC室负责人 C.AFC技术岗 D.AFC班组人员" [单选题]段企业精神的表述语是( )。
A.风清气正、安全优质 B.风正人和、安全优质 C.追求一流、安全优质 [判断题]烟丝在形状上可以表现为粒状。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]安全专项施工方案编制完成后,应由( )进行审核。
A.施工企业专门工程技术人员 B.施工企业技术部门专业工程技术人员 C.施工企业技术负责人 D.监理单位专业监理工程师 E.监理单位总监理工程师 [单项选择]下列不属于高尔斯华绥第二个三部曲作品的是()
A. 《沉默的爱》 B. 《斗争》 C. 《偶遇》 D. 《天鹅曲》 [单项选择]Sorry, I forgot ______my ticket here.
A. to take B. to bring C. taking [单选题]压力最不可能产生的结果是
A.高产量 B.倦怠 C.免疫力下降 D.内在动机 [单项选择]教育科学研究中选题的作用不包括()
A. 决定研究发展的方向和目标 B. 决定研究的内容 C. 规定应采取的方法和途径 D. 提供科学的论证依据 我来回答: 提交