When the stock market turns down,
holders of common stocks traditionally begin to move some portion of their
{{U}} (61) {{/U}} out of stocks and into {{U}} (62) {{/U}} to
protect themselves against further declines in the market, PI programs attempt
to hedge against the possibility of a market decline by {{U}} (63) {{/U}}
stock index futures contracts or stock index options (buying stock index put
options). The more the market falls, the more futures and options contracts are
sold by PI programs. If the market continues to fall, the rise in the value of
the portfolio’ futures and option positions cushions the decline in the value of
the portfolio’ common stocks. PI managers believe that such hedging programs
using futures and options involve lower transaction costs and provide greater
{{U}} (64) {{/U}} than the traditional A. borrowing B. selling C. buying D. investing [判断题]爆炸——是物质由一种状态迅速地转变为另一种状态,并在极短的时间内以机械功的形式放出大量能量的现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]十、五、三车距离信号:表示推进车辆的前端距被连挂车辆的距离。昼间——展开的绿色信号旗单臂平伸,夜间——绿色灯光,在距离停留车十车(约110m)时连续下压三次,五车(约55m)时连续下压两次,三车(约33m)时下压()次。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [多项选择]以肛门部疼痛为主要表现的疾病有
A. 血栓性外痔 B. 肛瘘 C. 直肠息肉 D. 肛裂 E. 肛门周围脓肿 [多项选择]有关功率控制,下列说法中正确的是()
A. 前向功率控制的作用对象是手机,反向功率控制的作用对象是基站; B. 在IS95系统中,只有反向闭环的内环功率控制是800HZ的快速功率控制,在CDMA1X系统中增加了前向快速功率控制,控制速率也是800HZ; C. EIB功率控制方式是在IS95B系统中引入的,它是前向功率控制; D. 前向功率控制中的消息报告方式分为周期报告方式和门限报告方式。 [单选题]消防车和消火栓的颜色是
A.红色 B.黄色 C.橙色 D.红和黄 [单选题]男,57岁。皮肤黄染、尿色变深伴皮肤瘙痒3周。查体:皮肤巩膜黄染,右上腹可触及无痛性圆形肿块,随呼吸上下活动。该肿块可能为
A.胆总管囊肿 B.肝脏囊肿 C.肿大胆囊 D.胰头癌 E.胆管癌 [判断题]避雷器接地电阻不应大于30Ω。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女性,38岁。宫颈轻度糜烂,宫颈刮片细胞学检查疑为宫颈癌。为明确诊断应选择的检查是
A. 阴道镜检查 B. 再次行宫颈刮片细胞学检查 C. 子宫颈活体组织检查 D. 诊断性刮宫活组织检查 E. 阴道侧壁涂片 [单选题]用手提电镐进行捣固作业,一般起道量在( )以下时,扒出轨枕盒内1/2石砟。
A.50mm B.40mm C.30mm D.20mm [单项选择]{{B}}Text 3{{/B}}