Managers must become proficient cross-cultural communicators if they wish to succeed in today’s global environment. Culture consists of the values, attitudes, and (1) in a given group of most of the people most of the time. (2) communication is communication in a management (3) to achieve a (4) result (writing a memo, interviewing an applicant, running a meeting, preparing a presentation). If you are working in a different culture, you may have to reconsider your communication (5) and evaluate its (6) .
A realistic (7) in one culture may not be so in another. One way to (8) what might be realistic is to analyze (9) psychologists call the "locus of control." People in some cultures (10) believe in " (11) control" over destiny—that is, that people can control events themselves. People in other cultures believe in "external control" over
A. Managerial
B. Manageable
C. Measurable
D. Measuring
Bruce Petter has not always been an
executive. He started his career pumping petrol at a filling station, as he
explains: ’After I left the army, my friend’s father, who was Managing Director
of a petrol company, recommended that I go into the oil industry. My great-
uncle was running our own family petrol company, and I learnt the ropes at a
petrol station. I subsequently married the daughter of the Marketing Director
but this did not make for the happiest of scenarios. Depending on which side of
the family they came from, my relatives thought I should support either my
great-uncle or my farther-in-law, so I dec A. a decision was likely to take a long time. B. not everyone in the Association was interested in him. C. he would have to face intense competition. D. some members would oppose his appointment. [多选题]火灾探测器的选择,应符合( )等规定。
A.对火灾初期有阴燃阶段,产生大量的烟和少量的热,很少或没有火焰辐射的场所,应选择感烟探测器 B.对火灾发展迅速,可产生大量热、烟和火焰辐射的场所,可选择感温探测器、感烟探测器、火焰探测器或其组合 C.对火灾发展迅速,有强烈的火焰辐射和少量的烟、热的场所,应选择火焰探测器 D.对火灾形成特征不可预料的场所,可根据模拟试验的结果选择探测器 E.对使用、生产或聚集可燃气体或可燃液体蒸气的场所,应选择可燃气体探测器 [填空题]按大型清运工具不同,可将垃圾转运站分为()、()和水路运转站。
A. 吸附; B. 中和; C. 表面接触; D. 过滤。 [判断题]进入井下、坑道作业时,要对井口、侧壁进行支撑,严禁各类人员车辆在周边行进,不得停靠车辆或站立大量人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]企业偿付应付账款、应付票据而支付的现金,应作为筹资活动发生的现金流出在现金流量表中反映。( )
A. 芳环的环氧化反应 B. 氨基的乙酰化反应 C. 芳环的羟基化反应 D. 胺类的N-脱烷基化反应 E. 醚类的O-脱烷基化反应 [判断题]绝缘状态可分为五级。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] (单选题)以下关于B型不良反应的说法错误的是
A. 是与正常药理作用完全无关的一种异常反应 B. 主要与药物变态反应或病人的高敏体质有关 C. 很容易在首次用药时预防这类ADR的发生 D. 发生率低,但死亡率高 [判断题]特高频检测可利用典型局部放电信号的波形特征或统计特性建立局部放电指纹模式库,通过局部放电检测结果和模式库对比,进行局部放电类型识别,并对缺陷进行定性,确定开关柜检修策略。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]更戌法
A.“已执行” B.“执行完毕” C.“结束” D.“已执行完” E.略 F.略 [填空题]点火信号发生器可分为()、()和()三种类型。
A. 射线(rt) B. 超声波(ut) C. 涡流(et) D. 磁粉(mt) E. 以上都不是 [判断题]( )当螺杆钻具下钻遇卡时,可以转动钻柱使之解卡。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]疏散抢救被困人员的途径应首选()。
A.消防举高车 B.消防电梯和防烟楼梯 C.缓降器 D.救生软梯 我来回答: 提交