When we think of Hollywood--a term I
use loosely to describe American movie production in general, not simply films
made in Los Angeles--we think of films aimed at amusing audiences and making
money for producers. During the early years of the new century, as workers won their demands for higher wages and a shorter working week, leisure assumed an increasingly important role in everyday life. Amusement parks, professional baseball games, nickelodeons, and dance halls attracted a wide array of men and women anxious to spend their hard earned dollars in the pursuit of fun and relaxation. Yet of all these new cultural endeavors, films were the most important and widely attended source of amusement. For a mere five or ten cents, even the poorest worker could afford to take himself and his family to the local nickelodeon or storefron A. films quickly became a very form of entertainment and are welcome by people of all classes B. many of the social and political problems were reflected on the screen of the films C. films often dealt with the most important problems of the day D. because of the large attendance, films had a great influence on a large number of people [单选题] 依据《给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范》GB50268-2008第6.3.8条有关要求,顶管出顶进工作井并进入土层,每顶进( ),测量不应少于一次,正常顶进时,每顶进( ),测量不应少于一次。
A.100mm,300mm B.200mm,500mm C.300mm,1000mm D.300mm,2000mm [多选题] C3 数据应用系统以 C3 为数据源, 查询内容涵盖 C3 所有管理系统, 包括机构人员信息、( ) 等。
A.客户信息 B.审批信息 C.用信信息 D.贷后管理信息 [多选题]途卸道砟清道作业要求( )
A.作业人员对所有卸车地段进行清道作业,道砟不得侵限。靠近线路堆放材料、机具等,不得侵入建筑接近限界。道砟按《安规》图2.6.6堆放。 B.作业人员对卸砟地段检查,对多余的道砟进行清理,轨面不得有残余道砟。 C.对于因未及时关闭车门所卸在道口、道岔、无砟桥面、红外线设备、以及线上设备上面的石砟,应及时清除干净,以免影响设备正常使用 D.与电务、供电确认设备运转良好。 [单选题]公共行政的核心原则是( )。
A.公民第一 B.法制化原则 C.程序化原则 D.公开化原则 [判断题]严格落实《国家电网公司资金管理办法》相关要求,可以收取商业承兑汇票,从严控制银行承兑汇票收取。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]肝性脑病昏睡期的突出表现是
A.意识丧失 B.精神错乱 C.扑翼样震颤 D.可被唤醒 E.脑电图异常 [判断题][T]BA007 5 2 3
当钢卷尺“0”刻度出现磨损时,可以取整数米做为“0”刻度继续使用。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]10年前小明的爸爸用50万买了国债券,今年卖出共得72万,多挣的这22万元属于:
A.①② B.②③④ C.①②③ D.②④ [单项选择]运动神经平面评定的关键肌的肌力应该为()
A. 1级 B. 2级 C. 3级 D. 4级 E. 5级 [判断题]-C-C-0022
明桥面小桥的全桥范围内可以有少量钢轨接头。() A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在距钢轨顶面350~1100mm这个高度范围内,直线建筑接近限界的半宽是( )。
A.1400mm B.1500mm C.1725mm D.1875mm [判断题]在一定范围内,提高水的温度能同时加快内扩散和膜扩散的速度。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]成套接地线应用有透明护套的多股软铜线和专用线夹组成,高压接地线截面积不得小于()mm2,同时应满足装设地点短路电流的要求。
A.A.10 B.B.16 C.C.20 D.D.25 [多选题]承包商是通过()承接公司系统项目业主单位发包生产建设工作任务的实施单位。
A.签署协议 B.领导批准 C.签署合同 D.省公司指定 [单选题]下列哪项是老年照护(初级)人员应急救护内容( )
A.帮助老年人整理更换床单,预防压疮 B.帮助老年人使用助行器 C.帮助老年人进行穿脱衣服训练 D.协助医护人员进行老年人外伤的初步止血 E.帮助老年人更换一次性尿袋 [判断题]井下电气设备和线路的检查、维护和调整,必须由采区电钳工进行。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]构成景观的主要景观要素类型包括()
A. 斑块 B. 本底 C. 网络 D. 廊道 E. 季相 [单选题]股骨转子间骨折与股骨颈骨折临床主要不同点是
A.肢体明显短缩 B.功能严重丧失 C.远骨折段处于极度外旋位 D.骨擦音、骨擦感不明显 [单项选择]某女,60岁,有高度近视眼病史,近半年来眼前可见黑色漂浮物,视力较前降低,做了眼底镜检查患者的可能诊断是
A. 玻璃体积血 B. 玻璃体液化 C. 玻璃体炎症 D. 玻璃体后脱离 E. 玻璃体混浊 [单选题]超速锁是电动高处作业吊篮中的重要( )装置。
A.平衡 B.阻力 C.安全保护 [单选题]在交流电路中,一个周期内发出或负载消耗的瞬时功率的积分的平均值称为 ( )。
A.有功功率 B.无功功率 C.视在功率 D.平均功率 [单选题]当主蒸汽温度不变时而汽压降低,汽轮机的可用焓降( )
A.A、减少 B.B、增加 C.C、不变 D.D、略有增加 [单项选择]Where is the second centre of Hollywood film making in Europe. after London*. Paris. or perhaps Berlin Try Prague. Last year, Hollywood spent over $200m on shooting movies, commercials and pop videos in the Czech capital. This year. all the big studios will be in town. MGM has "Hart’s War" starring Bruce Willis; Disney is shooting "Black Sheep" with Anthony Hopkins; and Fox has just finished filming "From Hell", a Jack the Ripper saga starring Johnny Depp.
Praguers take Tinseltown in their stride. Old ladies looked only slightly confused last month when the cobbled streets of Mala Strana, Prague’s old quarter, were cleared of real snow and sprayed with a more cinematically pleasing chemical alternative for Universal’s "Bourne Identity", a $50m thriller starring Matt Damon. The film’s producer, Pat Crowley, reckons a day filming in Prague costs him $100.000, against $250,000 in Paris. Czech crews, he says, are professional, English-speaking and numerous. They are also a bargain—40% A. providing instruments and workers for studios B. providing actors C. involved in film-making D. gathering money from local film studios [单项选择]下列关于C++函数的叙述中,正确的是
A. 每个函数至少要具有一个参数 B. 每个函数都必须返回一个值 C. 函数在被调用之前必须先声明 D. 函数不能自己调用自己 [单选题]给予湿疹病人浸浴疗法时,病人血压不能高于 ( )
A. 160/100mmHg B. 150/90mmHg C. 140/90mmHg D. 140/80mmHg E. 130/80mmHg [单选题]用隔离开关解环时(____)正确、无误才行。
A.不必验算 B.必须试验 C.必须验算,试验 D.不用考虑 [单项选择]拉伸件中塑性很差的材料应()或预热拉伸。
A. 淬火 B. 正火 C. 回火 D. 退火 [单选题]引起组胺中毒的鱼类是( )。
A.红肉鱼 B.青皮红肉鱼 C.河豚鱼 D.内陆湖泊鱼 [填空题]在火灾中,没有防火保护的受力钢构件极易受高温变形,当温度升至300℃时,钢材的强度即开始逐渐下降,通常在( )后,结构就会倒塌。
A.抗原过量 B.抗体过量 C.抗体与抗原处于最适比 D.抗原与抗体比例为1:1 E.抗原与抗体比例为2:1 [单项选择]在微机系统中采用DMA方式传输数据时,数据传送是()
A. 由CPU控制完成 B. 由执行程序(软件)完成 C. 由DMAC发出的控制信号控制下完成的 D. 由总线控制器发出的控制信号控制下完成的 [单选题]《道岔综合维修验收评分标准》规定:轨向、高低超过作业验收标准容许偏差,每处扣( )分。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 我来回答: 提交