There has been much speculation about the origin of baseball. In 1907 a special commission decided that the modern game was invented by Abner Doubleday in 1839. One hundred years later the National Baseball Museum was opened to honor Doubleday. Historians, however, disagree about the origin of baseball. Some say that baseball comes from bat-and-ball games of ancient times. It is a matter of record that in the 1700s English boys played a game they called "baseball". Americans have played a kind of baseball since about 1800. At first tile American game had different rules and different names in various parts of the country — "town ball". "rounders", or "one old cat". Youngsters today still play some of these simplified forms of the game. Baseball did not receive a standard set of rules until 1845, when Alexander A. New York Knickerbockers. B. Milwaukee Braves. C. Cincinnati Red Stockings. D. Brooklyn Dodgers. [判断题] 五四运动中,学生们火烧了李家楼。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]施工用电安全生产要求中,施工现场必须实行( )制。
A.“二相三线” B.“三相三线” C.“三相四线” D.“三相五线” [判断题]接管试风时按规定连结制动软管并试风。使用简易紧急制动阀时,应确认通风良好。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]更换无缝道岔辙叉后,辙叉处的扣件扭矩应保持( )。
A.60~80N•m B.80~120N•m C.120~150N•m D.60N•m [判断题]DRA输入口连接光纤或者接头必须保证端面清洁,一个细小的灰尘都会导致光纤端面烧毁,必要时需要使用光学显微镜观察端面清洁情况。
A.专人 B.临时 C.现场负责人 D.安全员 E./ F./ [判断题]液化石油气泵正常操作进出口压力差在0.6MPa左右。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]20/5t桥式起重机的主钩电动机由接触器实现正反转控制。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]辅助设施工业水及生活水系统水系统管道、检查井、窨井、()等外观完好,井内无塌陷现象
A. 电缆隧道 B.电缆夹层 C.消防管网 D.电缆沟 [单项选择]关于站点地图以下说法错误的是()。
A. 要显示站点地图,可单击站点管理窗口的“站点地图”,然后从下拉菜单中选择“地图和文件” B. 如果尚未指定站点主页文件,则Dreamweaver MX 2004将选择根目录下面的网页作为站点主页 C. 站点地图将显示当前站点文件和主页的链接关系 D. 站点地图默认将出现在左面窗口中 [多选题] 关于电功率的概念,以下说法错误的是( )。
A.电功率是描述电流所做的功 B.电功率是描述电能转化为导体内能的能力 C.电功率是描述电流做功快慢的物理量 D.电功率是描述电能转化为其它能量功率的物理量 [单选题]( )负责研究周转住房相关政策,制定公司周转住房管理办法。
A.运行管理机构 B.各单位后勤部门 C.国网后勤部 D.各单位计划部门 [单选题]采暖锅炉使用期间若锅炉水温达到(),循环散热管系仍无温升时,须对各阀的开闭位置进行再次确认,并开启排气散热管上的排气塞门排除循环散热管内的空气,仍不能循环时报车辆乘务员处理。
A.50 ℃ B.60 ℃ C.70 ℃ D.80 ℃ [单选题]葡萄糖耐量试验服用的葡萄糖量是:( )。
A.50克 B.75克 C.100克 D.150克 [单项选择]气体的体积膨胀系数为当()不变时,增加一个单位()所引起的体积相对变化量。
A. 温度/压力 B. 压力/温度 C. 温度/大气压力 D. 大气压力/温度 [简答题]散发较空气轻的可燃气体可燃蒸汽的甲类厂房,应采取哪些防爆措施?
[多选题]视频生命探测仪主要由( )、( )、插拔式微型液晶显示器、( )、话筒和连接电缆等组成。
A.声音传感器 B.探测镜头 C.探测杆 D.耳机 [单项选择]
Questions 11 ~ 13 are based on the following talk introducing Wilt Chamberlain, a well known American basketball player. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11 ~ 13. What happened to Wilt Chamberlain in 1972 A. He lost the final chance to win a championship. B. He was knocked out during one contest. C. He broke a bone in the wrist during a match. D. He was awarded with a $1.5 million house. [单项选择]边运行边上下乘人的游乐设施,乘人部分的进出口不应高出站台()mm
A. 100mm B. 200mm C. 300mm D. 400mm [单项选择]
A. 强度好 B. 残冠抗力好 C. 操作简单 D. 固位好 E. 生物相容性好 我来回答: 提交