Every town in the United States has a
post office. Some are very small, and you may also find them in the corner of a
shop. Others are larger buildings. They are open five days a week and on
Saturday mornings. From Monday through Friday they are usually open from 8:30 a.
m. to 4:30 p. m. . If you know how much the postage(邮资)is for your letter, you can buy stamps at any window. In some post offices yo A. seven hours a day B. six hours a day C. five hours a day D. eight hours a day [单选题]使水准仪的圆水准器的气泡居中,应旋转( )。
A.微动螺旋 B.微倾螺旋 C.脚螺旋 D.对光螺旋 [多选题]下列有关萜类正确的说法是( )
A.可按异戊二烯数目分类 B.开链萜烯分子式符合(CsHs)n C.碳原子数一般为 5 的倍数 D.氢原子数一般为 8 的倍数 E.由甲戊二羟酸衍生而成 [单选题]为防止静电对仪器及人体本身造成伤害,在易燃易爆场所,应穿载()。
A.A.用导电纤维材料制成的衣服和鞋帽 B.B,用化纤类织物制成的衣服 C.C.绝缘底的鞋 D.D.胶鞋 [单项选择]
Can Tony Blair Save the World of Books At the beginning of A Journey, Tony Blair boasts that he has "the soul of a rebel". Last week, he made good on that boast by conducting a gravity-defying act of literary presumption--pubhshing a hardback of some 720 pages, priced at ~25, tricked out with index, acknowledgments and 32 pages of photographic plates. According to Cathy Rentzenbrink, manager of the Richmond Waterstone’s: "These sales are brilliant and really exciting. You don’t often have customers almost breaking down the door to buy a book, but Blair is totally outselling Mandelson. I’ve not seen anything this big since Harry Potter or Dan Brown. This looks like the Christmas book of the year." She adds: "It’s very rare for a hardback to outsell a future paperback, but this might be one of those exceptions." Rentzenbrink says she does not know its Amazon discount, or if there’s a significant ebook and audiobook sale. What matters A. inevitable B. impossible C. invisible D. unclear [判断题]一路纵队看齐时,可以下达“向前对正”的口令。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Children aged eight and older may start playing baseball, soccer and other sports. Ask your doctor which sports are right for his or her age. Be sure your child wears the protective equipment designed for that sport, such as shin pads, mouth guards, wrist guards, eye protection and helmets. Ask your child’s coach what is needed. [多选题]下面属于提高沿面放电电压的措施的有(____)。
A.表面不处理 B.阻抗调节 C.屏蔽 D.应用半导体材料 [单项选择]金鹰290-4型轨道车设计最高时速为()km/h.
A. 100 B. 92 C. 85 D. 105 我来回答: 提交