After the American Civil War (1860-1865), the Negroes had gained their freedom and were ready (22) a new type of music, (23) that would preserve their musical traditions but be fast and happy (24) their (25) freedom. They wanted something they could play as professional musicians for both black and white audiences. Jazz was the answer. It combined themes from Negro work songs, spirituals and blues, set to a fast beat, (26) the musicians improvising (即兴而作) as they went along, like the funeral marching bands. To be good, a musician had not only to remember his part but also (27) able to invent new variations on the spur (激励) of the moment.
Jazz (28) the people, but popular (29) is changed many times in form, style, and tempo. Each change added something (30) .
NEW JOBS{{/B}} A new clothing company is hoping to create as {{U}} (29) {{/U}} as 500 jobs in its factory and nationwide chain of stores. The company, New Trend, was set {{U}} (30) {{/U}} by Peter Dalton, a 36-year-old businessman {{U}} (31) {{/U}} Liverpool. The company, {{U}} (32) {{/U}} is due to start production early next year, will provide employment {{U}} (33) {{/U}} 300 people in its factory on the edge of Liverpool. In 12 months’ time, {{U}} (34) {{/U}} will be a further 200 jobs, as the company begins opening shops in towns [单选题]关于肺脓肿的临床特点,下列娜项不正确?
A.最常见的病原菌为金黄色葡萄球菌 B.病原体自口及鼻吸入是发病的主要原因 C.70% ~90%的病例为急性起病 D.并非所有肺脓肿患者都能在肺部发现异常体征 E.多数肺脓肿的感染对青霉素治疗敏感 [多选题]允许用隔离开关直接进行的操作有哪些()?
A.在电网无接地故障时,拉合电压互感器 B.在无雷电活动时拉合避雷器 C.拉合220KV及以下母线和直接连接在母线上的设备的电容电流 D.在电网无接地故障时,拉合变压器中性点接地隔离开关 [简答题]动力环监系统的主要功能是什么?
[填空题]C++语句const char*const p="hello";,所定义的指针p和它所指的内容都不能被 【10】 。
A. 规划选址 B. 设计方案 C. 建设投资 D. 生产过程 [多项选择]防止气门弹簧发生共振的措施有:()
A. 提高气门弹簧的自然振动频率 B. 降低气门弹簧的自然振动频率 C. 采用双气门弹簧,且旋向相同 D. 采用双气门弹簧,且旋向相反 [判断题]造成10人重伤的生产安全事故属于一般事故。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交