Color is very important to most animals
for it helps them to get along in the world. Color (21) to
make an animal difficult for its enemies to (22) . Many
animals match their (23) so well that as long as they do not
move no one is (24) to see them. You probably have often
"jumped" a rabbit. If you (25) , you know how the rabbit
sits perfectly still (26) you are just a few feet
away. You (27) see the rabbit till it runs for its
(28) matches very closely the place where it is
(29) . Many times you may have walked past a rabbit
(30) didn’t run and you never knew it was there at
all. One of the most usual color schemes that helps animals to keep (31) being seen, is a dark back and light underpants. If an animal is the same color all (32) , there is always a A. sometimes B. occasionally C. seldom D. often [单选题]通常人们到银行办业务时会说"存定期",这个"存定期"一般指( )。
A.整存整取 B.零存整取 C.存本取息 D.定活两便存款 [判断题]在开展作战行动前,要明确紧急撤离的信号、撤离路线,并在安全区域选择集合地点,发现险情,应立即发布撤离信号,组织撤离行动。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]熔断器的主要作用是短路保护。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]国际税收的本质是指()
A. 国与国的税收协调关系 B. 国与国的税收征纳关系 C. 国与国的税收分配关系 D. 国与国的税收合作关系 [单项选择]下列哪项不是目前认为的MODS发病机制()。
A. 缺血再灌注 B. 炎性反应 C. 肠道动力 D. 遗传 E. SIRS和CARS失衡 [单项选择]男性患儿,9个月10天。主诉进行性面色苍白9个月,咳嗽4天入院。足月生产后6天有面色黄;3~4个月后面色苍白逐渐明显,无出血倾向,无尿色加深;3天前出现咳嗽。当地医院查血红蛋白56g/L。生后母乳喂养,未正规添加辅食。查体:面色苍白,巩膜黄染不明显,心前区闻及SMⅡ,肝脏肋下3cm,脾脏肋下4cm。血常规:RBC2.88×1012/L,Hb45g/L,MCV49fl,MCH15.6pa,MCHC319pg/L,WBC6.3×109/L,L0.75,N0.23,PLT371×109/L,Rc0.012。如果患儿血清铁减低,铁结合力升高()
A. 嘱家长加强喂养即可 B. 贫血原因明确,给予相应治疗 C. 不能解释所有问题,需进一步检查 D. 可能合并感染 E. 重点寻找缺铁原因 我来回答: 提交