"It is better to give than to receive";
"Beware of Greeks (ancient, of course) bearing gifts". Gifts are a fundamental
element of culture and our lives as social creatures. They are also an important
part of our business relationships. There are occasions when giving a gift surpasses spoken communication, since the message it offers can cut through barriers of language and cultural diversity. Present a simple gift to your host in a foreign country and the chances are he or she will understand you perfectly, though you may not understand single word of each other’s languages. It can convey wealth of meaning about your appreciation of their hospitality and the importance you place upon the relationship. Combine the act of giving with some knowledge of and sensitivity to the culture of the recipient and you will have an in A. A bar of chocolate for a friend from Indonesia. B. Pairs of chopsticks for a Chinese. C. An English dictionary for a beginning learner of English. D. Scissors for a friend in Thailand. [单项选择]以下各项均为导致化脓性乳腺疾病的病因病理,除了:()
A. 乳头破碎,感染毒邪 B. 嗜食肥甘,脾胃积热 C. 情志内伤,郁而化热 D. 脾虚湿盛,湿热下注 E. 乳汁郁积,化热成脓 [多选题]施工阶段质量控制的外部监控主体包括( )。
A.施工承包方 B.监理单位 C.设计单位 D.业主方 E.政府的工程质量监督部门 [单选题]氧疗对哪型缺氧效果最好
A.血液性缺氧 B.低张性缺氧 C.循环性缺氧 D.组织性缺氧 E.混合性缺氧 [单选题]对金属氧化物避雷器,必须坚持在运行中按照规程要求进行带电试验。35~500kV电压等级金属氧化物避雷器可用( )替代定期停电试验。
A.A类检修 B.B类检修 C.C类检修 D.带电测试 E.略 [单项选择]再生障碍性贫血(AA)()
A. 孤立性幼红细胞岛 B. 吞噬细胞增加,形成“星空样”图像 C. 检出不典型微巨核细胞 D. 骨髓内浆细胞均一性、结节性聚集 E. 骨小梁减少、变细或虫蚀样缺损 [判断题]利润是指施工企业完成所承包工程获得的盈利。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]空调机组的各电源线和控制线三月检检修标准是( )。
A.各电源线和控制线无破损 B.各电源线和控制线各连接插头安装紧固 C.各电源线和控制线绑扎牢固,无干涉 D.清洗电缆插头 [判断题]岩石断裂变形时,断裂面两侧的岩石发生明显相对位移的断裂称为节理或裂隙。
A. 郭某由于盗窃罪被当地公安机关采取监视居住的强制措施,则郭某有权在公安机关采取强制措施之日起聘请律师岳某作为自己的辩护人介入刑事诉讼 B. 肖某犯有诈骗罪,数额特别巨大,情节特别严重,而开庭审理时肖某本人及其家属又没有委托其他辩护人的,当地人民法院可以不为其指定辩护人 C. 被告人杨某本人确无经济来源,其家属经多次劝说仍不愿为杨某承担辩护律师费用的,人民法院可以指定杨某在工厂当工人的叔叔作为杨某的辩护人 D. 被告人赵某(1990年11月出生)于2008年7月5日将某工厂价值5000元的设备偷走后逃逸,半年后被抓获,法院开庭审理此案时赵某没有委托辩护人,则当地人民法院应当为其指定辩护人 [简答题]我国的国旗、国歌、国徽、首都分别是什么?
[单选题]关于年龄分期,正确的说法是( )
A.新生儿期是指出生后脐带结扎到满7天 B.围生期是指胎龄满28周至生后30天 C.婴儿期是指出生到满1周岁以后 D.幼儿期是指1周岁以后到满2周岁 E.学龄期是指7周岁以后到18岁以前 [单选题]在自动闭塞区段内,当货物列车在设于上坡道上的通过信号机前停车后起动困难时,在该信号机上应装设()。
A.引导信号 B.预告信号 C.容许信号 [多选题]属于违反安全红线内容的是:( )。
A.无计划、超范围作业 B.误停、误送电 C.违法 D.违纪 [简答题]当主油泵转子与汽轮机转子为直接刚性连接时,主油泵有关间隙调整有哪些注意点和要求?
A. 心力衰竭 B. 上消化道出血 C. 急性肾衰竭 D. 呼吸衰竭 E. DIC [单选题]在区间线路、站内线路、站内道岔上维修时,现场防护人员应站在维修地点附近、且瞭望条件较好的地点进行防护,在( )作业时,显示停车手信号。
A.道岔 B.站内 C.天窗外 D.天窗内 [单项选择]建设工程项目总进度目标的控制是()项目管理的任务。
A. 施工方 B. 供货方 C. 管理方 D. 业主方 [单选题]【A1型题】下列有关风温的治疗原则。哪一项是不妥的
A. 初起邪在肺卫,宜辛凉宜解 B. 邪传气分宜辛寒清热,或苦寒攻下 C. 内陷心包,机窍阻闭,宜清心开窍 D. 本病后期则宜咸寒滋腻之品填补肝肾之阴 [单选题]隔离开关应有( )装置
A.防误闭锁 B.锁 C.机械锁 D.万能锁 [单选题]为了防火,硐室内使用耐火材料砌碹,并从硐室口起( )内的巷道也用耐火材料建成。
A.5米 B.10米 C.15米 [填空题]In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply (36) and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain. The pattern of sharing in tasks and in (37) makes for equality, and this in turn leads to further sharing. In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world (38) by cooperation rather than by the "battle of the sexes".
If the process goes too far and man’s role is regarded as (39) important—and that has happened in some cases—we are as badly off as before, only in reverse. It is time to (40) the role of the man in the American family. We are getting a little tired of "Momism" —but we don’t want to exchange it for a "Neo-Popism". What we need, (41) , is there cognition that bringing up children involves a partnersh [判断题]POS跨行交易商户结算手续费的分配涉及发卡机构,提供POS机具和完成商户资金结算的收单机构,以及提供跨行信息转接的中国银联。
[单项选择]Questions 22-25 are based on a talk about salt.Where was the salt placed when the king had his dinner
A. In front of the king. B. In front of important guests. C. In the middle of the table. D. Away from important guests. [单选题]我国刚性路面设计理论为()
A.弹性地基上的小挠度弹性薄板理论 B.弹性地基上的弹性厚板理论 C.文克勒地基上的小挠度弹性薄板理论 D.文克勒地基上的弹性厚板理论 [单项选择]中效胰岛素是()
A. 锌结晶胰岛素、半慢胰岛素锌悬液 B. 半慢胰岛素锌悬液、中性鱼精蛋白锌胰岛素 C. 慢胰岛素锌悬液、鱼精蛋白锌胰岛素 D. 慢胰岛素锌悬液、中性鱼精蛋白锌胰岛素 E. 特慢胰岛素锌悬液、鱼精蛋白锌胰岛素 [判断题]1930年4月14日中共太湖县委领导太、宿、望的农民举行了一场声势浩大暴动,称为大石岭暴动。
A.一个 B.二个 C.三个 D.四个 [填空题]今文经学家西汉以()为代表,尊()为经学之祖,注重阐述经文的()。
[单选题]检定加油机的专用金属标准量器的误差必须小于加油机允许误差的( )。
A.1/2 B.1/3 C.1/4 D.1/5 [单项选择]According to the author, knowing the cause of the misery will help ______
A. shorten the duration of the illness B. the patient buy medicine over the counter C. the patient obtain cheaper prescription drugs D. prevent people from catching colds and the flu [单项选择]
张某,男,65岁,近一个月来咳嗽,咳痰,痰中带血丝,疑为肺癌,需留痰找癌细胞。 如不能立即送检,可用于固定癌细胞的试剂是()A. 70%乙醇 B. 95%乙醇 C. 40%甲醛 D. 10%甲苯 E. 浓盐酸 我来回答: 提交