Technology is a two-edged sword. Rarely
is this as clear as it is in the realm of health care. Technology allows doctors
to test their patients for genetic defects — and then to turn around and spread
the results throughout the world via the Internet. For someone in need of
treatment, that’s good news. But for someone in search of a job or an insurance
policy, it can be all bad. Last week a corollary (推论) was proposed to the patients’ bill of rights now before Congress: a right to medical privacy. Beginning in 2002, under rules set to become law in February, patients would be able to decide the conditions under which their personal medical data could leak. They would be able to examine their records and make corrections. They could learn who else had seen the information. Improper use of records by a caregiver or insurer A. The feasibility and irrationality of protecting medical privacy. B. The government’s appeal to protection of medical information. C. Patients should enjoy more rights to their medical records. D. Doctors and insurers’ complaint about the proposal. [单选题]商品煤存查煤样,从报出结果之日起一般应保存( ),以备复查。
A.一两天 B.一星期 C.一个月 D.二个月 [单选题]备用电源自动投入装置的作用是()。
A.维持电力系统电压稳定运行 B.使用户不停电 C.保证电能质量 D.运行电源停电时自动投入 [单选题]以NaOH滴定H3PO4(Ka1=7.5×10-3,Ka2=6.2×10-8,Ka3=5.0×10-13)至生成Na2HPO4时,溶液的pH应当是()。
A.4.33 B.12.3 C.9.75 D.7.21 [单项选择]黎黎在网上看到自己喜欢的图片,想将其下载到自己的电脑里,以下哪种操作能正确地帮助其实现图片的下载( )
A. 直接按鼠标左键 B. 按住鼠标右键,选择“图片另存为……” C. 按鼠标中间键 D. 双击鼠标 [单选题]FusionCompute 开启内存复用时进行虚拟机热迁移,若虚拟机部分内存数据位于 swap 空间,会导致迁移时间较长。
A.对 B.错 [简答题]什么是电位、电压、电压降、电动势?它们的单位是什么?
A. 百合固金丸 B. 桂龙咳喘宁胶囊 C. 川贝枇杷糖浆 D. 蛇胆陈皮胶囊 E. 固本咳喘片 [单项选择]男性,67岁。诊断肺心病3年,咳、痰、喘伴双下肢水肿加重1周,查体:双肺可闻及大量湿性啰音,心率107次/分,肝于肋缘下2横指,有触痛。白细胞及分类均高,血气分析:pH7.33PaO245mmHg,PCO275mmHg,HCO3-35mmol/L根据上述结果最首要的治疗是()
A. 氧疗 B. 呼吸兴奋剂 C. 人工通气 D. 控制感染 E. 静滴利尿剂 [单选题]直埋电缆敷设深度不应小于()m。
A.0.6 B.0.7 C.0.8 D.1 [填空题]1个黑素细胞可通过其树枝状突起向周围约()个角质形成细胞提供黑素,形成1个表皮黑素单元。
A. 3元、5元、10元 B. 5元、8元、10元 C. 5元、10元、15元 D. 1元、6元、8元 [填空题]Questions 36-40
Look at the following statements (Questions 36-40) and the list of people below. Match each person with an appropriate statement, A-F. Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet. List of Statements A.Businesses will grow after the government and consumers spend more. B.Harsh austerity measures have caused some economies to decline. C.Government spending can help a country get out of debt. D.Governments should not raise spending while the economy is expanding. E.It is wasteful for governments to spend while the economy is getting smaller. F.Governments that introduce austerity measures are rewarded with economic success. Marshall Auer back [判断题]客户通过在境内金融机构开立的账户或者银行卡发生的大额交易,由开立账户的金融机构或者发卡银行报告。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 制作清汤的火候要求是()。
* A.旺火烧开转入小火( B.旺火烧开转入中火 C.旺火烧开转中火,后小火 D.始终用小火 [多选题]在机械基础中常用的可拆联接有“ ”弹性联接、联轴器、离合器。
A.铆联接 B.键联接 C.销联接 D.螺纹联接 [单选题]关于高血压小动脉病变叙述中,下列错误的是( )
A.中膜平滑肌细胞肥大和增生 B.膜内胶原和弹性纤维增多 C.内膜弹性纤维增多 D.内膜内血浆蛋白渗入,发生玻璃样变 E.内弹力膜分裂 [单选题]EI32-JD型计算机联锁系统,从组合架室内分线盘到采集电路、驱动电路间通过( )电缆相连。
A.8芯 B.16芯 C.32芯 D.48芯 [单选题]氢脆破坏往往造成井下管柱( )、地面管汇和仪表的爆破、井口装置的破坏,甚至发生严重的井喷失控或着火事故。
A.突然断落 B.慢慢断落 C.高应力破坏 D.中应力破坏 [不定项选择题]共用题干
A Debate on the English Language A measure declaring English the national language is under intense debate in the United States.The US Senate passed two declarations last week.One calls English the nation's official language and the other says it is the "common and unifying(统一的)"tongue.But Americans found themselves divided on the issue. Since people worldwide know that most Americans speak only English,many can't understand why the issue is so controversial(有争议的). "The discussion is related to fears of immigration issues,"says Dick Tucker,a social scientist at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University."It's related to a worry about the changing demography(人口统计)of the US.It's a worry about who will continue to have political and economic influence." In fact,the notion of protecting the language has been kicked around almost since the nation's founding.John Adams lobbied(游说)in 1780 for the creation of a national academy to correct and improve the English language.But his proposal died,since lawmakers saw it as a royalist(保皇主义者)attempt to define personal behavior. Since then,the country hasn't had a national language,but the idea of recognizing the special status of English lived on. The emotions surrounding language resurface(再次浮现)not because people feel comfortable with English.It is more about the discomfort many Americans feel with the new languages,says Walt Wolfram, a professor at North Carolina State University. "Language is never about language,"he says. According to the 2000 US Census Bureau report,of 209 million Americans over 18 years old,172 million speak only English at home.About 37 million speak languages other than English.Among them,6.5 million speak poor English and 3.1 million don't speak English at all. What are the two declarations concerned with? A.The status of the English language. B.The protection of new languages. C.The rights to speak one's mother tongue. D.The improvement of the English language. [多项选择]试通电和试运转前,应制订技术方案,其内容应包括()。
A. 组织 B. 分工 C. 费用 D. 安全措施 E. 合格标准 我来回答: 提交