Brighton is a popular seaside town on the south coast of England. Not long ago, some policemen were very (21) . There (22) several serious accidents (23) by motorists driving too fast. The police started to set up a speed trap(速度监视器). They measured (24) of 88 yards on a straight road and watched to see (25) a car took to (26) that far. They knew that if a car took six seconds, it was traveling faster (27) the (28) limit of 30 miles an hour.
When the policemen were ready, they did (29) a hedge(树篱) and started to (30) passing cars. During their first half an hour, they caught five drivers. The policemen wrote down the (31) of each car and the name and address of the (32) . But for the next half an hour the policemen didn’t see anybody (33) too fast. They thought that this was very (34) . One of them drove a quarter of a mile along the road and saw two students (35) A. hour
B. time
C. day
D. moment
Lately, everybody from industrial designers to city
planners claims to be looking after our aesthetic interests, and there is ample
anecdotal evidence that, on the margin, people do put a higher premium on the
look and feel of things than they once did. That is to be expected as society
grows richer. But aesthetics is not the only value -- trade-offs must be made --
and aesthetic value is hard to measure. What is "it," after all Aesthetics
doesn’t come in neat units like microprocessor speed, calories, or tons of
steel. Style is qualitative. The value of qualitative improvements poses tricky problems for economists. It is a major challenge to tease out how much consumers value each individual attribute that comes bundled in a given good or service. If you pay $2.99 for a toothbrush, how much of that is for the cleaning ability A. products are more aesthetically appealing B. each product characteristic is quantifiable C. there is a surplus of value minus cost D. producers do not charge aesthetic enhancements [单选题]运行中油浸式互感器的膨胀器异常伸长顶起上盖时,应(____)。
A.更换膨胀器 B.退出运行 C.取油样 D.增加监测次数 [名词解释]上、下、败
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]等温吸湿曲线
A.幽门梗阻 B.中毒性休克 C.胃溃疡穿孔 D.十二指肠溃疡癌变 E.急性胰腺炎 患者,女,45岁,自诉近日来反复上腹疼痛,进食后4小时左右疼痛明显,进餐后疼痛可缓解。夜间有明显的上腹痛,排黑便3天。 [单选题]使用金属外壳的电气工具时应戴( )。
A.A.帆布手套 B.B.线手套 C.C.绝缘手套 D.D.皮手套 E.略 F.略 [判断题]不准随意取消或变更施工(天窗)计划。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]变电检修(施工)作业,( )认为有必要现场勘察的,检修(施工)单位应根据工作任务组织现场勘察,并填写现场勘察记录。
A.工作票签发人或工作负责人 B.工作票签发人或工作许可人 C.工作许可人或工作负责人 D.工作票签发人或专责监护人 [简答题]02-22 06:25:09.422 17609 20678 W
A. 津 B. 血 C. 液 D. 营气 E. 卫气 [多选题] 为防止电缆火灾,可以采取()安全措施。
A. 选择具有难燃性的电缆 B. 加涂防火涂料 C. 敷设在水中 D. 填沙 [单选题]在下列叙述醇的制备方法中,可行的一组是()。
A.秸秆的发酵、烯烃的水合、醛酮的还原 B.秸秆的发酵、烯烃的氧化、羧酸的还原 C.烷烃的氧化、烯烃的氧化、羧酸的还原 D.烷烃的氧化、烯烃的水合、羧酸的氧化 [多项选择]消化性溃疡的并发症有()
A. 出血 B. 穿孔 C. 幽门梗阻 D. 癌变 E. 电解质紊乱 [单选题]入线前停留时间由()时起至送到装卸地点时止,以及双重作业货车由卸车完了时起至送到另一装车地点时止的时间。
A.货车到达 B.货车送到装卸地点 C.装卸作业完了 D.发车 [单选题]使用跳板进行电缆盘装卸车时,跳板中部应稍微加固。
A.A、正确 B.B、错误 [单选题]保和丸的组成药物中含有
A.陈皮、甘草 B.茯苓、白术 C.半夏、生姜 D.神曲、银花 E.山楂、连翘 [单选题]以下属于汽缸体损伤的原因的是()。
A.冷却液过多 B.异物碰撞 C.机油压力过高 D.机油达不到要求 [单选题]为了便于火灾时消防员与控制室值班人员沟通,消防控制室应当布置在( )。(难)
A.建筑物的扑救面 B.建筑物首层 C.建筑物靠外墙处 D.建筑物设备层 我来回答: 提交