Traditionally, women have lagged behind
men in adoption of Internet technologies, but a study released yesterday found
that women under age 65 now outpace men in Internet usage. The report, "How
Women and Men Use the Internet," examined use by both sexes, looking at what men
and women are doing online as well as their rate of adopting new Web-based
technologies. "I think the real interesting story is the young women, because
that is the one age cohort where there are many more women online," said Deborah
Fallows, who wrote the report based on findings from surveys conducted over the
past five years. "The younger women are just much more comfortable with the
Internet." The report found that 86 percent of women ages 18 to 29 were online,
compared with 80 percent of men in the same age group. Among African Americans,
60 percent of wom A. They are more likely to be early adopters of podcast. B. They tend to be users of entertainment and information. C. They tend to use the Web for direction information. D. They are more interested in Web-based technologies. [判断题]工作完毕,全体工作人员撤离工作现场后,在未办理工作终结前,任何工作人员未经工作负责人许可,不得进入工作现场进行任何工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]消防手套适用于消防员在一般灭火作业时穿戴,不适合在高风险的场合下进行特殊消防作业时使用,也不适用于化学、生物、电气以及电磁、核辐射等危险场所。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]三相半波可控整流电路中的三个晶闸管的触发脉冲相位按相序依次互差( ),当它带电阻负载时,α的移相范围为( );当它带阻感负载时,α的移相范围为( )。
A.在一个运行OSPF动态路由协议的网络中,一台路由器既可以是ABR,也可以是ASBR B.在一个运行OSPF动态路由协议的网络中,一台路由器可以是ABR,但不可以也是ASBR C.在一个运行OSPF动态路由协议的网络中,一台路由器可以是ASBR,但不可以也是区域内路由器 D.在一个运行OSPF动态路由协议的网络中,一台路由器可以属于两个或两个以上的区域,但是最多只能作为一个区域的DR [单选题]斜拉索索力应满足设计和施工控制要求,未作要求时,索力最大偏差不得大于设计值的( )
A.5% B.10% C.15% D.20% [单项选择]上胞下垂在《目经大成》中称为()
A. 睢目 B. 睑废 C. 疣病 D. 土疳 E. 土疡 [简答题]B-1.B-1.B-021 3
日立轨旁ATP地面设备由ATP逻辑部、认证主单元( )、IO控制设备、ATP维护终端构成、实现列车在线状态的管理、生成并输出列车控制命令。( ) [判断题]自然通风条件不良的隧道,经过空气化验或通风试验,不能在规定时间内达到规定标准时,应设置机械通风。机械通风洞内风速不应大于8m/s。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]SH型水泵机组启动前盘车中发现有阻滞现象,可能的原因是( )。
A.水泵内有异物 B.电机扫膛 C.水泵电机轴承损坏 D.水泵轴和电机轴不同心 [判断题]当正压式消防氧气呼吸器气瓶在开启、关闭及余压力(5.5±0.5)MPa时发出警示声响,余压报警声级强度大于70db( )。(√)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 根据《公安机关人民警察内务条令》的规定,执行特殊或者紧急任务时,非因不可抗拒的原因,不得请假。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交