A closer observer of the small screen once called it a "vast wasteland of violence, sadism and murder, private eyes, gangsters and more violence-and cartoons." That is how Newton Minow, a US television regulator, described it in 1961.
Since then television language has become more colourful, violence more explicit and sex more prevalent. Lady Chatterley’s Lover has moved from the banned book shelf to a classic BBC serial.
Concern over such changing standards has shaped our view of television and masked its broader influence in developing countries.
To illustrate its effects, Kenny cites the case of Brazil. When television there began to show a steady diet of local soaps in the 1970s, Brazilian women typically had five or more children and were trapped in poverty. As the popularity of the soaps grew, birth rates fell.
According to researchers, 72% of the leading female cha
A. suggest
B. cover
C. discover
D. reveal
Blinks can take several forms. Besides
the blinks that wash the eye, there are those associated with unexpected
circumstances (such as loud noises), as well as the voluntary flaps of the
eyelids that may express anger or incredulity. Another type, the spontaneous eye
blink, is neither voluntary nor reflexive. Most blinks are
spontaneous. Mere eye-rinsing requires a blink no more than once a minute; yet most people blink around 15 times a minute. Why do we blink so frequently Apparently there is a direct relationship between spontaneous blinking and the mind. Scientists can now discern how the frequency and duration of blinks vary according to whether a person is alert, bored, anxious or concentrating. Studies show first of all that we blink less when we are most alert. A person reading a novel blinks about six times a A. A student who is being asked of questions by the teacher. B. A policeman searching for an escaped criminal. C. An angry man. D. A person who has worked for 8 hours. [单选题]有 5 个 10 Ω的电阻并联,再和 10Ω的电阻串联,总电阻是( )Ω。
A.8 B.10 C.12 D.14 [单选题]左右股单元轨节锁定焊接头相错量不宜超过()mm。
A.100 B.50 C.150 D.200 [名词解释]货币乘数
A.除有关人员外,不准他人在工作地点的下面通行或逗留 B.工作地点下面应有围栏或装设其他保护装置,防止落物伤人 C.如在格栅式的平台上工作,为了防止工具和器材掉落,应采取有效隔离措施,如铺设木板等 D.较大的工具可平放在构架上 [单选题]关于病毒性⼼肌炎临床特点叙述不正确的是()
A.病程早期⼼肌酶降低 B.⼼肌受累明显时有胸闷、⼼悸、⼼前区不适 C.重症患⼉可发⽣⼼⼒衰竭、昏厥或⼼源性休克 D.⼼电图检查为 ST 段偏移和 T 波低平、双向或倒置 [单选题]体检合格证注有“戴镜”等字样的乘务员,在执行航班任务时:( )
A.必须佩戴矫正视力眼镜,并携带一套备份镜 B.仅携带备份镜即可 C.仅佩戴矫正视力眼镜即可 D.可自行决定是否佩戴矫正视力眼镜 [判断题] 教官职业素养是教官在从事公安教育工作实践过程中,形成比较稳定的行为规范、意志品质和道德修养的总和,也是成为教官的行为准则和基本要求,具有稳定性、持久性和延续性
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]三相四线三元件有功电能表在测量平衡负载的三相四线电能时,若有两相电压断线,则电能表将(____)。
A.停转 B.倒走1/3 C.少计2/3 D.正常 [多选题]《环境保护法》规定:一切单位和个人都有保护环境的义务,并有权对污染和破坏环境的单位和个人进行()。
A.批评 B.检举 C.上诉 D.控告 [单项选择]某客户到银行用美元兑换日元,即期汇率为1美元=133.10日元,美元年利率为8.5%,日元年利率为3.5%,则3个月美元兑日元远期汇率约为()。
A. 升水1.664 B. 升水6.656 C. 贴水1.664 D. 贴水6.656 [单项选择]下面()不属于信息沟通制度。
A. 纵向信息沟通 B. 横向信息沟通 C. 混合信息沟通 D. 建立标准信息载体 [单选题]卡托普利(巯甲丙脯酸)的抗高血压作用机制是( )
A.抑制肾素活性 B.抑制血管紧张素Ⅰ转换酶活性 C.抑制血管紧张素Ⅰ的生成 D.抑制β-羟化酶的活性 E.阻滞血管紧张素Ⅰ受体 [简答题]特殊巡视是指在非正常情况下开展的巡视工作,在哪些情况下应开展特殊巡视工作?(5.0分)
第16~25小题,要求判断每题给出的条件(1)和(2)能否充分支持题干所陈述的结论.A、B、C、D、E五个选项为判断结果,请选择一项符合试题要求的判断. A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分. m是奇数.
(1) 若a,b,c是3个连续正整数,m=(a+b)(b+c)
(2) 若a,b,c是3个连续正整数,m=a+bcB.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分. C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分. D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分. E.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分. [单选题]以下哪些行为属于Ⅰ类电气误操作()。
A.误(漏)投或停继电保护及安全自动装置(包括压板) B.带电挂(合)接地线(接地刀闸) C.运行人员误执行继电保护及安全自动装置定值 D.误(漏)拉合开关、刀闸 我来回答: 提交