M: How are your violin lessons going
W: Very well. My teacher thinks I’m making progress, and I find the lessons well worth the time and trouble.
During the first year that Mr.
Wordsworth and I were neighbours, our conversations turned frequently on the two
cardinal points of poetry, the power of exciting the sympathy of the reader by a
faithful adherence to the truth of nature, and the power of giving the interest
of novelty by the modifying colours of imagination. The sudden charm, which
accidents of light and shade, which moon-light or sunset diffused over a known
and familiar landscape, appeared to represent the practicability of combining
both. These are the poetry of nature. The thought suggested itself--(to which of
us I do not recollect)--that a series of poems might be composed of two sorts.
In the one, the incidents and agents were to he, in part at least, supernatural.
And the excellence aimed at was to consist in the interesting of the affections
by the dramatic truth of such emotions, as A. ordinary life B. nature C. the supernatural D. the lethargy of custom [判断题]题目:在FSO系统中,资金付款业务中非关联方交易的清账付款业务需要企业提供的附件主要是发票 ()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对因人为原因造成的(),必须依法追究责任者的法律责任,以示警告。
A.非责任事故 B.自然灾害 C.责任事故 [单选题]用电负荷是用户在某一时刻对电力糸统所需求的()。
A.A、电压 B.B、电流 C.C、功率 [单项选择]银行应当在每季度末对抵债资产逐项进行检查,对预计可收回金额低于其账面价值的,应当计提()
A. 贷款损失准备 B. 减值准备 C. 损失 D. 利润 [判断题]申请人在国家公布准备工作完成之前办理改正译文错误手续的,专利局应当公布改正后的文本。
[单选题]厂矿、企业等单位租用客车在本单位使用时,按( )标准,按日核收租车费。
A.包车挂运费 B.包车行驶费 C.包车停留费 D.包车空驶费 [单选题]CR400BF型动车组供风和制动系统的气密性测试要求5 分钟内压力下降小于等于() kPa。
A.30 B.40 C.50 D.60 [单选题]940.电气化区段道口限界门,由( ) 部门负责。
A.供电 B.电务 C.工务 D.D、车务 [判断题]文化软实力的竞争,本质上是不同文化所代表的核心价值观的竞争。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]水泵运行中突然中断排水的原因( )。
A.水位下降底阀露出水面 B.水轮流道部分堵塞 C.吸水底阀被突然埋住 D.被杂物包死 [单项选择]闭合性骨折在转运前最重要的是()
A. 使用止痛剂 B. 做好手法复位 C. 伤肢固定 D. 抬高患肢 E. 保持肢体功能位 [多选题]检修工作结束以前,若需将设备试加工作电压,应按下列条件进行:( )
A. A.全体作业人员撤离工作地点; B.B.将该系统的所有工作票收回&拆除临时遮栏、接地线和标示牌&恢复常设遮栏; C.C.应在工作负责人和运维人员进行全面检查无误后&由运维人员进行加压试验; D.D.工作班若需继续工作时&应重新履行工作许可手续。 我来回答: 提交