It’s hardly news that the immigration system is a mess. Foreign nationals have long been slipping across the border with fake papers, and visitors who arrive in the U.S. legitimately often overstay their legal welcome without being punished. But since Sept. 11, it’s become clear that terrorists have been shrewdly factoring the weaknesses of our system into their plans. In addition to their mastery of forging passports, at least three of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers (劫机者) were here on expired visas. That’s been a safe bet until now. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) (移民归化局) lacks the resources, and apparently the inclination, to keep track of the estimated 2 million foreigners who have intentionally overstayed their welcome.
But this laxness (马虎) toward immigration fraud may be about to change. Congress has already taken some modest steps. The U. S. A. Patriot Act, passed in the wake of the Sept. 11 tragedy, requires the FBI, the Justice Depar
A. might have them extended without trouble
B. would be closely watched by FBI agents
C. might stay on for as long as they wished
D. would live in constant fear of deportation
Most gift giving shows nothing more
than the spirit of love and friendship. But it is possible to form some
differences{{U}} (36) {{/U}}the kinds of things bought and the people
who buy{{U}} (37) {{/U}}. Expensive gifts. Naturally, some gifts will be{{U}} (38) {{/U}}than others. But some people give higher priced gifts than{{U}} (39) {{/U}}for the situation. Someone{{U}} (40) {{/U}}gives an expensive gift often feels that{{U}} (41) {{/U}}should receive more praise than if he had given a less expensive{{U}} (42) {{/U}}. Therefore he is giving{{U}} (43) {{/U}}a gift: status. Homemade gifts.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}something{{U}} (45) {{/U}}has become the exception in many countries today. If you receive a home-made{{U}} (46) {{/U}}., you are lucky. It may not be made{{U} A. look B. find C. watch D. think [多项选择]促使血-脑脊液屏障开放的因素有( )
A. 颅脑病变 B. 血液粘度增高 C. 药物(包括麻醉药)影响 D. 年龄增高 E. 平均动脉压极度或急剧升高 [单项选择]导致国民革命失败的主要原因是()。
A. 反革命力量超过了革命力量 B. 党内合作 C. 陈独秀右倾投降主义错误 D. 资产阶级右派叛变革命 [判断题]在释压情况下,飞机到达安全高度后,必要时乘务员应根据机长指示做好紧急迫降的准备
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电流互感器铭牌参数应完整,出厂合格证及试验资料应齐全,试验资料应包括下列内容:( )。(GB/T 50976—2014《继电保护及二次回路安装及验收规范》5.3.1)
A.A.所有绕组的极性和变比,包括各抽头的变比 B.B.各绕组的准确级、容量和内部安装位置 C.C.二次绕组各抽头处的直流电阻 D.D.各绕组的伏安特性 [多项选择]患者,女,68岁,脑梗死后3个月,言语可对答,左上肢肌力3级,左下肢肌力4级,左Babinski征(+),患者可在正常时间内独立完成进食,可以独立完成床一轮椅转移,但需要家人在旁提醒及监督,以保证安全,可扶拐杖独立步行20~30m,在监护下步行50m。可采用何种量表评估患者日常生活活动能力()
A. FIM量表 B. NCSE量表 C. 改良Barthel指数 D. Fugl-Meyer量表 E. Brunnstrom量表 F. Ashworth量表 [判断题]本线来车按 Vmax≤60km/h 时,不小于800 m;
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]数字化变电站采用( )措施来防护具有远程控制功能的装置及设备。
A.杀毒软件 B.加密 C.身份认证 D.人员监控 [简答题]微机励磁调节器具备有哪些限制功能?
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列各项中,符合《营业税暂行条例》规定的有( )。
A. 转让土地使用权采用预收款方式的,营业税纳税义务发生时间为收到预收款的当天 B. 银行销售金银应缴纳营业税 C. 交通运输业的经营收入应按5%的税率计算营业税 D. 足球俱乐部经营收入应缴纳营业税 [单选题]条件电极电位的大小,说明在某些外在因素影响下,氧化还原电对( )的氧化还原能力。
A.理论 B.计算 C.实际 D.可能 [单选题] 扑救木质楼板、吊顶的建筑物火灾时,应当使用()探试楼板、吊顶强度,确认没有塌落危险后,保持前虚后实探步前进的方式进入室内救人、灭火。 [单选题]
A.喷雾水 B.开花水 C.直流水 D.射流水 [多选题]严禁( )、未设置防护上道作业或进入封闭区域。严禁违反规定利用列车间隔进行施工、维修作业。
A.无计划 B.未登记 C.未销记 我来回答: 提交