Wholly aside from aesthetic and moral
considerations, fashion is an economic absurdity, and there is little to be said in its favor. Nevertheless, we Carl appreciate the wisdom in Gina Sombrero’s belief that the enormous stress which women lay on everything pertaining to clothes and the art of personal adornment is connected with the tendency to crystallize sentiment into an object. Woman symbolizes every important event in her life by a special dress; and a jewel or a beautiful gown means to a woman what an official decoration means to a man. "If a woman’s clothes cost the funnily and society a little time, money, and activity, they allow woman, independent of lies and calumnies, to triumph and come to the fore outside of man’s world and competition. They allow woman to satisfy her desire to be the first in the most varied fie A. is impossible because all artists are individualists B. differs distinctly from conformity in fashions C. stems from the same kind of impulses as does conformity in fashions D. occurs because people are primitive [多项选择]关于商业银行次级债务,下列说法正确的有( )。
A. 根据中国银行业监督管理委员会于2003年发布的《关于将次级定期债务计入附属资本的通知》,次级债务是指由银行发行的,固定期限不低于5年(包括5年),除非银行倒闭或清算不用于弥补银行日常经营损失,且该项债务的索偿权排在存款和其他负债之后的商业银行长期债务 B. 各国有独资商业银行、股份制商业银行和城市商业银行可根据自身情况,决定是否发行次级定期债务作为附属资本 C. 商业银行发行次级定期债务,须向中国银监会提出申请,提交可行性分析报告、招募说明书、协议文本等规定的资料 D. 次级定期债务的募集方式为商业银行向目标债权人定向募集,目标债权人为企业法人 [判断题]组合式空调机组在试验工况下,风量实测值不低于额定值的70%,全压下实测值不低于额定值的60%。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]对于债权人来说,信用保证措施的作用主要包括______。
A. 控制债务人必须履行偿债责任 B. 控制债务人的生产经营 C. 保证项目顺利实施 D. 在债务人不履行责任时、采取行动依法强制取得补偿 E. 取得第二还款来源 [判断题]《个人贷款尽职免责实施细则》规定:管理个人贷款的支行、部门负责人、高管人员辖内个人贷款不良率大幅上升,风险集中爆发,未及时采取有效措施加以处置、控制、降低风险,对相关责任人给予部分免责。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]合理用药的临床基础是
A. 充分了解疾病的病理生理状况 B. 掌握药物及其代谢产物在正常疾病时的药理学、生物化学、药代动力学性质 C. 正确实施药物治疗,获得预期的治疗 D. 制定正确的药物治疗方案和目标 E. 正确诊断 [判断题]每只封闭式公募理财产品、每只私募理财产品的杠杆水平不得超过140%。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交