Millions of people pass through the
gates of Disney’s entertainment parks in California, Florida and Japan each
year. What makes these places an almost an universal attention What makes
foreign kings and queens and other important people want to visit these Disney
parks One reason is the way they are treated once they get there. The people
at Disney go out of their way to serve their "guests", as they prefer to call
them, and to see that they enjoy themselves. All new employees, from vice-presidents to part-time workers, begin their employment by attending Disney University and taking the general training. Here, they learn about the company’s history, how it is managed and why it is successful. They are shown how each department relates to the whole. All employees are shown how important their parts are in making the park A. learn all parts of the business B. see that their guests enjoy themselves C. be able to answer all kinds of questions D. keep their important guests happy [判断题]4.120. 第120题
全面巡视内容不包括对防火、防小动物、防误闭锁的检查 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]组合电器内部绝缘故障、击穿处理原则()。
A.检查现场故障情况(保护动作情况、现场运行方式、故障设备外观等),汇报运维人员。 B.根据运维人员指令隔离故障组合电器,将其他非故障设备恢复运行,联系检修人员处理。 C.检查现场故障情况(保护动作情况、现场运行方式、故障设备外观等),汇报值班调控人员。 D.根据值班调控人员指令隔离故障组合电器,将其他非故障设备恢复运行,联系检修人员处理。 [多项选择]连铸二冷区喷嘴从上到下()。
A. 逐渐增加 B. 逐渐减少 C. 上下均匀 D. 外弧多内弧少 [单选题]折旧率随着使用年限的变化而变化的固定资产折旧计算方法是( )。
A.平均年限法 B.双倍余额递减法 C.年数总和法 D.工作量法 [单项选择]下列哪项是妊娠期月经周期消失的原因
A. 血中LH水平高 B. 血中孕激素水平低 C. 血中雌激素和孕激素水平均高 D. 血中雌激素水平低 E. 血中FSH水平高 [简答题]主要通风机必须安装在地面;装有通风机的井口必须封闭严密,其外部漏风率在无提升设备时不得超过15%,有提升设备时不得超过30%。
[填空题] 公式T2=T3+T1xQ1-Q2是变泵时间早于钻达时间时的岩屑录取时间计算公式,式中Q1的单位为()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]遇有呼吸心搏骤停又有骨折者,应先进行( ),直至呼吸、心跳恢复后,再进行固定骨折。
A.包扎创伤 B.心肺复苏 C.心肺启动 [单项选择]Last year’s economy should have won the Oscar for best picture. Growth in gross domestic product was 4.1 percent; profits soared; exports flourished; and inflation stayed around 3 percent for the third year. So why did so many Americans give the picture a lousy B rating The answer is jobs. The macroeconomic situation was good, but the microeconomic numbers were not. Yes, 3 million new jobs were there, but not enough of them were permanent, good jobs paying enough to support a family. Job insecurity was rampant. Even as they announced higher sales and profits, corporations acted as if they were in a tailspin, cutting 516,069 jobs in 1994 alone, almost as many as in the recession year of 1991.
Yes, unemployment went down. But over 1 million workers were so discouraged they left the labor force. More than 6 million who wanted full-time work were only partially employed; and another large group was either overqualified or sheltered behind the euphemism of self-employment. We lost a mi [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》(铁运〔1997〕101号)规定,乘车免费携带品成人20千克、儿童10千克,长、宽、高相加不超过160厘米,乘动车组不超过()厘米。
A.160 B.150 C.140 D.130 [单项选择]属于艾炷灸的是( )
A. 温和灸 B. 回旋灸 C. 温针灸 D. 隔盐灸 E. 蒜泥灸 [判断题]空气泡沫枪是产生和喷射空气泡沫的器具。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]TCP/IP分层结构中,传输层的主要协议有TCP、( )。
A.RJ46 B.S233 C.UDP D.HUB [填空题]In April 1995, makes the______.
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]玻璃珠防水涂层试验要求所有玻璃珠应通过漏斗而无停滞现象。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )专业化目标市场策略即企业选择若干个目标市场,在几个市场上同时进行品牌营销,为不同的顾客群提供不同的产品或服务。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]公安消防部队督察工作的基本任务是什么?
[判断题]气相色谱仪的热导检测器属于质量型检测器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交