Each year, millions of people in
Bangladesh drink ground water that has been polluted by naturally high levels of
arsenic poison. Finding safe drinking water in that country can be a problem.
However, International Development Enterprises has a low-cost answer. This
nongovernmental organization has developed technology to harvest
rainwater. People around the world have been harvesting rainwater for centuries. It is a safe, dependable source of drinking water. Unlike ground water, rainwater contains no minerals or salts and is free of chemical treatments. Best of all, it is free. The rainwater harvesting system created by International Development Enterprises uses pipes to collect water from the tops of buildings. The pipes stretch from the buildings to a two-meter tall storage tank made of metal. At the top of the tank is a so-called "first-flush" A. Rainwater is free of chemical treatments. B. People have been harvesting rainwater for centuries. C. The water harvesting system is built on a platform. D. Rainwater can be collected using pipes. [判断题]遥控跳合闸功能用于系统紧急限电,以及在线路故障、过负荷情况下紧急限负荷时使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]癫痫大发作及小发作都是原发性癫痫。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]142处理过度换气的旅客,可让其用( )罩在口鼻处进行呼吸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]引产在索引中的主导词查()
A. 分娩 B. 流产 C. 诱发 D. 注射 E. 产钳 [单选题]根据《山东省农村商业银行大额交易和可疑交易报告管理办法》规定自然人客户银行账户与其他的银行账户发生当日单笔或者累计交易人民币(.)万元以上(含)、外币等值(.)万美元以上(含)的境内款项划转应当报送大额交易报告。( )
A. B. C.5.0.5. D. [单选题]某肺心病患者,因感冒肺部感染而住院,血气分析为:pH7.32,PaCO29.4kPa(71mmHg)HCO-337mmol/L,最可能的酸碱平衡紊乱类型是
A.代谢性酸中毒 B.急性呼吸性酸中毒 C.慢性呼吸性酸中毒 D.混合性酸中毒 E.代谢性碱中毒 [单选题]应保证二次电流回路的总阻抗不超过电流互感器的()。
A.二次额定阻抗 B.二次阻抗 C.负载 D.一次阻抗 [单项选择]建立房水外流通道的手术()
A. 周边虹膜切除术 B. 睫状体光凝术 C. 小梁切开术 D. 睫状体冷凝术 E. 小梁切除术 [单选题]( )变电站全部停电时,应将各个可能来电侧的部分接地短路,其余部分不必每段都装设接地线或合上接地刀闸(装置)。
A.中间 B.升压 C.枢纽 D.降压 [判断题]止回阀在安装时必须按箭头的指标方向与介质流动方向一致。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]