In the 1840s, the Mormons (摩门教信徒), who
are a religious group, travelled west searching for a new home. Many Mormons
lived in the state of Illinois, but they had been badly treated and finally were
forced to leave. As the Mormons travelled through the desert, they became discouraged. Then they saw a strange tree. The tree’s branches stretched out like arms. The Mormons thought the tree looked like Joshua, a hero from the Bible. The Mormons thought the arms of the tree were telling them to continue on their way; so they did. They found a new home in what is now the state of Utah. In Utah they saw trees like the one in the desert. They called them "Joshua trees." The Joshua tree was very useful. The Native Americans of the West used almost all its parts. They ate not only the fruit of the tree, but also its seeds and whit A. get more food from the tree B. save some valuable plants C. teach their children a lesson D. get more money for it [判断题]海关征收的关税、进口环节税、船舶吨税滞纳金、滞报金可以以美元计征,但一般情况下以人民币计征。 ( )
A.脑 B.骨 C.肺 D.肝 E.心 [判断题]ZPW-2000A移频柜配线发送线布放在左侧塑料线槽内。接收线布放在右侧塑料线槽内。发送线、接收线在塑料线槽内靠外侧布放,其它配线靠内侧布放。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]如果取消设有中间道岔股道接车进路后,在3S内排列同一咽喉其他股道的同向接车进路,会将中间道岔锁死,此时再排列相对方向的接车进路时,进站信号和引导信号均无法正常开放,错误处置会耽误列车。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]爆破线路应与带电的其他线路分开,并不准交叉拉设。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]距牵引供电设备带点部分超过2m的燃着物体,使用沙土灭火时,牵引供电设备可不停电,但须保持灭火机具及沙土等带电部分的距离在_m以上。
[填空题]____________________________ (尽管她又小又瘦), she lifted the bundle of clothes with ease.
A. 透光试验阴性 B. 触诊睾丸肿大压痛明显 C. 血常规白细胞增高 D. 透光试验阳性 E. 血常规白细胞正常 [单选题]( )是社会主义核心价值体系的精髓,是中国精神的基本内容
A.民族精神和时代精神 B.民族精神 C.时代精神 D.实践精神 [单项选择]下列不支持房间隔缺损诊断的是()
A. 心电图示电轴右偏,右房、右心室肥大 B. X线片示右房、右心室增大 C. 胸骨左缘第2~3肋间有杂音 D. 肺动脉段突础,"肺门舞蹈"征 E. 肺动脉瓣区第二心音减弱 我来回答: 提交